Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Introduction and Backeround <br />The Intergovernmental Parlcs Work Group was created in the spring of 2000. The concept <br />of an inter-jurisdictional conunittee bringing together representatives of elected boards, <br />advisory boards and other conservation and parks groups sprang from the May 1999 .Ioint <br />Master Recreation and Parks Work Group, which included as one of its recommendations <br />the following: <br />A. Create nn Lrtergovernmenta(Pnrks {Nark Crorrp (IP {Vork Crorrp) <br />In developing plans for long-term recreation mtd parks planning, there roil! be a need for a peruumerr[ joint <br />hnergoverruuental Parks Work Group (IP Work CrarrpJ For example, this /P Work Grmrp might inchrde <br />one elected official and one citizen fironr ench jurisdiction's parks advisory board, along with <br />representatives from the school systems, UNC, O6VASA, Duke and others. The /P {fork Group could meet <br />three times per,yem' over the nest three yews, to address follow-up concern-s in the areas discussed in this <br />repor! <br />The opportunity iu the MRP Work Group to bring all of the dijjer ent local governments to the table 1«as <br />been rrsefid mrrl it formative, and the MRP Work Group feels drat dds momenhan cold be continued <br />tln'o«gh n long-terur mechanism. While the actual duties of the /niwgovernrneutn/Porks Work Group <br />would need to be determined, some m ear oJY espmrribility might include <br />/ To gather, exchmrge nnrl share it formation ou parks planning and development irr the nnmicipalities <br />and Comrt}, <br />2 To maintain and update the Lrventmy of Parks and Recreation Facilities developed rr part of the <br />.loin[ Master Recreation and Parks report, including new properties acquired or dedicated <br />3 To jolter canununicatimr beriveeu the nnmicipalitre and Covnq, on (rrhn'e opportratities and <br />collaborative venno es <br />4 To provide a cam'dinnting mechanism for updates to parks and recreation plans in ench jurisdiction <br />5 To review and it form the numicipnlities and County cmrcerning parks needs mrd po[errtin/ <br />opportunities <br />G To develop parameters fm' pm'ks standards (leaving Jlesibility for [he actual standards to vary from <br />jro'isdictim: to jurisdiction within these parameters') <br />7 To develop and coordinate public edrrcntimr mrd public oun'each mr parks issues (coordinated <br />brachm e-r, etcJ <br />The creatimr of this IP Work Group is a critical conrpm:ent of fiarne coordination. By its Hoarse, the IP <br />Work Crronp -sbardd share information with the Sdrools/Land Use Corurcils mt the potentiallm school/park <br />co-locattmr This report cantairrs criteria and details that build mr the ideas of the Sclroo!/Lmrd Ure <br />Memm'and«nr of Agreement A resolution asking the locnlgovernments to create dre Lrtergovernmenut! <br />Parks Work Group in time fm- mt initial meeting in fall of 2000 is attached as Appendix L <br />As a result of this recommendation, the elected boards of the County agreed to create the <br />work group and a resolution creating the II' Work Group (IPWG) was approved. The <br />resolution maybe found as Attachment 1. <br />The initial meeting of the IPWG was held on December 7, 2000, following appointments <br />by all Town and County elected boards and both school boards. <br />