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14 <br /> name list.As part of the gaps analysis, OCPEH seeks to increase the quality and availability of Rapid <br /> Rehousing for all people experiencing homelessness, including families. OCPEH coordinates the annual <br /> Point-in-Time count in conjunction with HOME Consortium members, and has not found <br /> unaccompanied youth in any year. OCPEH works closely with youth services providers and LGBTQ <br /> service providers and advocates to ensure no youth are going uncounted. One of the current system <br /> gaps is a youth homeless program to serve youth experiencing homelessness. Overall, OCPEH <br /> coordinates with HOME Consortium members to continue to fill system gaps and make updates the <br /> homeless gaps analysis. <br /> Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in <br /> determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate <br /> outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and <br /> procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS <br /> HOME Consortium members serve on the OCPEH Leadership Team,the CoC board that determines ESG <br /> allocations each year. HOME Consortium members also serve on the CoC Project Review Committee <br /> that determines program performance standards, evaluates program outcomes, crafts funding <br /> priorities, and creates recommendations for CoC and ESG funding for Leadership Team approval. Project <br /> Review Committee members look at program data each quarter to keep eyes on program outcomes and <br /> help with funding decision-making during application periods.The Project Review Committee <br /> determines funding policies and procedures annually during the CoC and ESG grant competitions.The <br /> CoC contracts with the statewide Coalition to End Homelessness to serve as HMIS lead, and administers <br /> HMIS in consultation with the Leadership Team, as CoC board, inclusive of HOME Consortium members. <br /> In 2016-2017 the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH)gathered people with lived <br /> experience of homelessness, homeless service providers, community leaders, and state homeless <br /> experts to map the homeless service system in Orange County.This process created the Orange County <br /> homeless system map and the homeless system gaps analysis. OCPEH staff typically update the gaps <br /> analysis each year; the last update was completed in December 2021. <br /> Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and consultations <br /> Annual Action Plan 11 <br /> FY 2024-2025 <br />