Orange County NC Website
6, Soundness of Technical Approach to accomplish all project requirements - (20%) <br />7.. Cost to accomplish all project requirements - (30%). <br />An evaluation team made up of staff from EMS, Planning, Land Records/GIS and Information <br />Technology independently evaluated each proposal on the criteria, Cost figures were not <br />available to the team at any time during their evaluation, Results were tabulated and <br />calculations were made to not only assign a value to the cost component but also to average <br />the scores from the team and apply the proper percentages to each criterion, The results of <br />this phase are detailed in Figure 1, The committee reviewed these results and invited the firms <br />with the top two scares -Geographic Technologies Group of Goldsboro, North Carolina and <br />Mapping Resource Group of Wilmington, North Carolina - to make presentations to the grcup. <br />References were also contacted for both firms. The committee then voted on the two finalists, <br />Geographic Technologies Group was selected for recommendation to the Manager and County <br />Commissioners by majority vote, <br />The work is targeted for completion within approximately 14 months, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of the contract, if approved by the Board, would be $208,000, <br />Adequate fund balance is currently available far appropriation in the Emergency Telephone <br />System Fund to support this expenditure. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1.) Award bid number 5086 to Geographic Technologies Group of Goldsboro, North Carolina at <br />a cost of $208,000; <br />2.) Approve a contract pursuant to the terms of the Requests For Proposals contingent upon <br />Attorney and Staff review; <br />3.) Authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board; and <br />4,) Approve an appropriation of fund balance in the amount of $208,000 from the Emergency <br />Telephone System Fund to accomplish this database provisioning activity, in accordance with <br />NGGS 62A-25(b). <br />