Orange County NC Website
Orange • Gharham <br />1105 CHURTONST, HILLSBOROL.. ..~C 27278 <br />nl'~TC TELEPHONE (919) 644-7160 ~ FAX (919) G44-2238 <br />February 25, 2004 <br />BOARD OF DIRECTORS: <br />Aoy Allen <br />CGadruu Countp <br />SLerijf's Office <br />Chnrlcs Mderson <br />Disn'ic! Court Judge <br />Joel Boolecr <br />Can~baro Pnliec Deparhnent <br />I racy cox <br />Srlf Hrlp Credit Urrion <br />Fiumsia[ Anal7rst <br />Ann Ftluul <br />dlagisn'nte <br />C. Douglas Fisher' <br />Pri¢~atc .Al(wvrey <br />Steve Frcednun <br />Capinrl Defender <br />Francine Muse <br />Pri¢auc Altm~ncy <br />L'llic ]iinnaird <br />N C Stntc Senamr <br />Bobby perry. <br />6rtasive ProGatim, Officer <br />6enjamin Poplcin <br />,1Lrgistrntc <br />Bevcdy Scarlet[ <br />.dssistant District Attorney <br />Amos G Tyndall <br />Pri nitre rlttorncy <br />Robe,C Trcnldc <br />Privme Atta~nep <br />James Noodall <br />{ssissnrnt District At[w~ucy <br />NlerrlBelts Fx orFlcto: <br />Anne Barnes <br />Fanner Representative <br />1~J'~' N C Nuusc District <br />Rcprescntativc Joc Hndmcy <br />?4"' N.C Nnrrsc District <br />nuzecroR: <br />Joyce Kuhn <br />John Link <br />Change County Manager <br />P.t7. BOX 8181 <br />Cameron <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear John, <br />'~ ~" ~ III <br />I~ ;, FEB 2 / 2~;; ~~ <br />~I 'cl'1~ I~ <br />Last yeaz when the state cut $25,000 from the PreTrial Services <br />budget, the county restored $20,000. Due to continued shortfall after <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) money is spent, we aze <br />requesting $12,000 to finish this fiscal yeaz. The facts and figures have <br />been provided to Ms. Mestas in the budget depaztment. <br />I will include the request for next yeaz's complementary funding for <br />PreTrial in the Human Services Application for 2004-2005. Your <br />timely assistance in and attention to this matter is much appreciated. <br />Due to losing neazly $50,000 (approximately 1/3 of our budget) between <br />two programs in our corporation, we have reduced staff. This is <br />especially challenging as we are experiencing a growing need for both <br />services. <br />As Director, I have continued to prepare sentencing proposals <br />(Sentencing Services) and work with the inmates for first appearances <br />to reduce the jail population (PreTrial Services) due to the cuts in <br />funding from the state. Program administration is accomplished without <br />support staff other than a contractual bookkeeper. As mental health <br />reform seems likely to increase the need for our services, I truly <br />appreciate your understanding of the changes we have experienced as <br />we continue to meet the needs of the judiciary for information they <br />value to reduce costs and damages to the community. <br />E'Sincerely, ' <br />yce uhn <br />ir~ct r <br />Cc: Rooney Mestas <br />Sharron Hinton <br />Trish Vandetsea <br />A NON-PROFI I. COMMUNIT I' SUPPOR CL"I> AGI_NC 1' <br />Y~~ <br />I~ <br />l.lnlt~ey <br />