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13 15 <br /> mentioned in the proposed rule. However,such meetings are <br /> covered by the Open Meetings Law if a majority of the board <br /> is present and"deliberates" on public business. <br /> V. Agenda <br /> Rule 8.Agenda. <br /> (a) The County Manager shall prepare the agenda for each regular, <br /> special and emergency meeting subject to review and approval by <br /> the chair and vice-chair. A staff request to have an item of business <br /> placed on the agenda must be received by 12:00 noon,Monday of the <br /> week prior to the meeting.Any board member may petition the board <br /> to have an item placed on the agenda. <br /> (b) The agenda packet for business meetings shall include the <br /> agenda document, any proposed ordinances or amendments to <br /> ordinances, and supporting documentation and background <br /> information relevant to items on the agenda. A copy of the agenda <br /> packet shall be provided to each member of the board at least ninety- <br /> six hours before the meeting.Documents in the agenda packet,if not <br /> previously available for public inspection, shall become so when <br /> packets have been provided to each board member or left at his or <br /> her usual dwelling. Copies shall be available for members of the <br /> public in the Clerk to the Board's office and at the Orange County <br /> Public Library. The agenda is also published on the county's web <br /> site, <br /> For all other meetings (special, work sessions, etc.) a copy of the <br /> agenda and attachments shall be available to members of the public <br /> on the Orange County website prior to the meeting (usually 48-72 <br /> hours before the meeting). <br /> The Clerk to the Board's office shall post agendas for business <br /> meetings, public hearings and work sessions on the county's website <br /> within 24 hours after they are distributed to the Board of <br /> Commissioners by the County Manager's office. <br /> (c) The board may, by approval of a majority of its members, i.e. an <br /> affirmative vote equal to a quorum, add an item at the meeting that is <br /> not on the agenda. <br />