Orange County NC Website
developed/discussed for revising the County water conservation ordinance to coincide with the <br />policies/ordinances of Hillsborough and Orange-Alamance while providing an enhanced level of <br />protection/preservation of the Lake Orange/Eno River environment. During this moratorium <br />period, the provisions of the Hillsborough and Orange-Alamance water conservation <br />ordinances/policies applicable to water consumers and the Eno River Capacity Use withdrawal <br />restrictions applicable to the water utilities and Piedmont Minerals would remain in effect. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at the present time. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• review the draft resolution, <br />• modify it as necessary <br />• adopt the modified resolution <br />direct its designated representative(s) and staff to meet with Hillsborough and Orange <br />Alamance officials to develop new water conservation polices, procedures, agreements, <br />ordinances, etc., for BOCC approval