<br /> 1 trust Cy and Pat will take this and try to put it in there and that would be. My recommendation is this board doesn't develop the
<br /> 2 application forms, it's staff that does it and I think they could put in how long do you estimate and then what I've recommended in the
<br /> 3 past, I don't know if it's still in there, is that if it's under, if you estimate under 30 minutes, that's the only you have to estimate, so if
<br /> 4 mom and pop comes in or if it's tons of professionals but they know that, there's no conflict, it's just and they say 30 minutes. Fine,
<br /> 5 that's it. If you say it's going to take more than 30 minutes, then say okay, let us know all of your speakers. If they're experts, then
<br /> 6 give me all of the data for qualifying the expert there, their resumes, and then give me an affidavit for each one and then that will. 1
<br /> 7 don't know,we've never really done this but that would expedite it. Thats all right, it's more than 30 minutes. We know if we have
<br /> 8 three of these cases,we might need to schedule them for different nights,and we'll also know who's going come before us. You guys
<br /> 9 will have a week to go through it and develop your questions and stuff like that.
<br /> 10
<br /> 11 Beth Bronson: If I'm hearing you correctly, James, I do appreciate that explanation and in no way would I want to obstruct due
<br /> 12 process, by asking for a timeline or a time limit. It has way more to do with providing an estimation of the application, you have
<br /> 13 Sections 1 through 5. Section 1 is very standard. There's the presentation. That should take less than 30 minutes. If you have five
<br /> 14 expert witnesses that should be well known and that every expert witness will take 5 to 10 minutes. I'm not saying that the staff
<br /> 15 should come up with some standard time. I'm not saying that the applicant should have to come up with some standard time. It's
<br /> 16 whatever information they're providing in the application should come with some sort of estimation of I don't have 50 minutes to
<br /> 17 present, I have 5 minutes to present, or I have more than 10 minutes to present.
<br /> 18
<br /> 19 Patrick Mallett: I think that's part of the Rules of Procedure and think the application part would flush that out further. We do have
<br /> 20 that 30 minutes, more than 30 minutes and if you're doing more than 30 minutes,you have more exhibits that we're going be asking
<br /> 21 evidence for, but perhaps there can be more work about the applicant laying out fairly methodically the cadence of their presentation
<br /> 22 and if you have,the CVs for all of the extra witnesses up front and that's articulated out and you have the statement of standing for
<br /> 23 them up front,you can see it,quickly digest it,and not have to go through and this is Bob Smith's,the appraiser and this is and it may
<br /> 24 save some time.
<br /> 25
<br /> 26 Beth Bronson: I am absolutely okay,whether or not we revise it in the rules of procedure or we add it to our work plan that we are
<br /> 27 going to work on streamlining that. I have no problem. It's just,as long as we are trying to make it the most transparent and the most
<br /> 28 applicable or equitable process. Because if the Public Hearing has been announced and then the public does not know that they
<br /> 29 need to submit their own statement of standing ahead of the meeting so that we understand where they're at or that they are,the staff
<br /> 30 is given the opportunity to advise anybody applying for standing to say well, we need, these are the criteria. Again, I need you to
<br /> 31 make sure that you provide these criteria.
<br /> 32
<br /> 33 Patrick Mallett: Sorting that out,so there's rules of procedure,little bits of that. There is some application work that could be put to
<br /> 34 thought. There is also the stuff that transcends those two, which is good old-fashioned time management. If an applicant or any
<br /> 35 qualified person coming up to speak,if it's redundant, if it's outside the scope of what is germane for a special use permit,whether it's
<br /> 36 in here in the rules.
<br /> 37
<br /> 38 Beth Bronson: It should be addressed immediately.
<br /> 39
<br /> 40 Patrick Mallett: And move things along on either side of the consideration.
<br /> 41
<br /> 42 Beth Bronson: All right.
<br /> 43
<br /> 44 Leon Meyers: I want to be sure that I'm clear. I think we're coming toward a consensus here, but you talked about having an
<br /> 45 estimate of,from the applicant on how much time their presentation is likely to take, and I think I also heard you talk about setting a
<br /> 46 time limit. Did I misunderstand?
<br /> 47
<br /> 48 Beth Bronson: No, I discussed and yes,either setting a time limit or providing a time estimation and then holding that. If it's going
<br /> 49 go over their estimated or their,then we need to know with ample time to make that decision.
<br /> 50
<br /> 51 Leon Meyers: Make a decision about?
<br /> 52
<br /> 53 Beth Bronson: Whether we proceed or not. If they're saying that for Exhibit 1, it's going take up to 5 minutes, for Exhibit 2 or
<br /> 54 Witness 2, it'll take 10 minutes, but for the application, it'll take 45 minutes. You've now exceeded an hour. Do we need to wait until
<br /> 55 that 1 hour to say,time to pause and see how much more you do have left.
<br />