Orange County NC Website
31 <br /> Compliance with Orange County UDO Requirements q W <br /> Z o <br /> 1. The subject cemetery is exempt from requirements of North Carolina General Statute Chapter 65JUD A R FORM °�� <br /> (UD0 5.6.2(A)(1)). Z o v <br /> 2. Both the total lot size and the designated SUP boundary exceed the 2 acre minimum lot size (UDO z <br /> 3. The property has access to State-maintained Jones Ferry Road, which is a Minor Collector road asCONGR GATION C M T RY + 0Z <br /> oe <br /> defined by NCDOT (UDO 5.6.2(A)(2)(b)). so �� U 0 <br /> y ° <br /> 4. The proposed driveway width and configuration will provide sufficient space for use and O <br /> maneuvering of vehicles supporting funeral services and burial activities (UDO 5.6.2(A)(2)(c)). SUP APPLICATION SITE Z . W <br /> 5. All proposed grave plots will be located no closer than 30 feet to a property line (UDO 5.6.2(A)(2)(d)) <br /> as shown on these Drawings. Orange County, North Carolina �o ' �� IL <br /> ; <br /> ,, o <br /> 6. The project will comply with all relevant Land Use Intensity requirements as numerically , o a <br /> demonstrated in the Site Data Summary tabulation on these Drawings. These parameters are �� •r MZ <br /> satisfied based on the total parcel area, and also based on the lesser area within the SUP limits (UDO �d _ _ U dd <br /> 6.3.1(C), 6.3.2(B), 6.3.3(B), 6.3.6(A)). <br /> zw <br /> 7. The Cemetery Use will not generate any "air contaminant" as defined in NCGS 143-213 (UDO �! o <br /> v <br /> 6.4.5(A)(1). VICINITY MAP .1i,cc, <br /> 8. The Cemetery Use will not discharge any wastewater or other liquid waste (UDO 6.4.6). NTS ap <br /> 00 � <br /> 9. The Cemetery Use will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations Me J <br /> governing the handling and disposition of human remains; and will comply with all applicable rules <br /> and regulations governing the storage, use and disposal of any other materials classified as <br /> hazardous materials (UDO 6.4.7(A)). <br /> 10. The cemetery will not need or provide any formal loading areas; but for burial and funeral activities <br /> any location along the length of proposed driveway may be used informally for loading activities. Any <br /> such location will be "conveniently located and accessible" and will feature "adequate turning radii" SITE DATA SUMMARY <br /> for vehicle maneuvering (UDO 6.4.10(A)(1)). <br /> 11. No outdoor storage is needed or provided for the Cemetery Use (UDO 6.4.10(A)(2&3)). DRAWING INDEX: <br /> 12. Protection of existing vegetation is depicted and described on these Drawings, including trees within I. PARCEL INFORMATION <br /> designated Tree Protection Areas (UDO 6.8.4). 1 . 1 COVER SHEET <br /> 13. The Landscape Plan & Tree Preservation Plan describes compliance with applicable landscape Parcel Identification Number: 9767-26-1613 2, 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN <br /> standards UDO 6.8.5). Property Address: 2560 Jones Ferry Road A-' <br /> ( ) Deed Reference: Bk. 4649 Pg. 263 3. 1 SITE LAYOUT PLAN W <br /> 14. The Landscape Plan & Tree Preservation Plan demonstrates compliance with Street Tree Plat Reference: Bk. 119 Pg. 10 3.2 ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN E­' <br /> requirements, largely satisfied by preservation of existing mature trees along the property's roadway Property Owner: Judea Reform Congregation Cemetery 4. 1 GRADING & STORM DRAINAGE PLAN W <br /> frontage (UDO 6.8.7(A)). Owner Address: 1933 W. Cornwallis Road Durham, NC 8. 1 LANDSCAPE & TREE PRESERVATION PLAN W <br /> 15. The Landscape Plan & Tree Preservation Plan demonstrates compliance with requirements for Property Zoning: Rural Buffer (RB) 11 . 1 SITE DETAILS a0 <br /> providing landscape plantings along interior side and rear property lines full satisfied b Overlay Zoning: University Lake Protected Area <br /> p 8 p p g 8 p p Y Y Y Z Q � <br /> preservation of existing trees (UDO 6.8.7(B)(1)). River Basin: Cape Fear (Jordan Lake) C) 1--� <br /> 16. The subject property has a generous amount of vegetative cover consisting of mature forest with <br /> Net Lot Area (NLA): 447,469 SF 10.27 Ac. 0­4 <br /> Special Use Permit Area: 287,181 SF 6.59 Ac. E-+ x <br /> diverse native hardwood and evergreen species, in both canopy and understory forms. Much of this Q �+ E­, <br /> vegetation will be purposefully and judiciously retained, a portion of which will be credited to meet Proposed Condition W 1 Op <br /> regulatory landscape requirements as further detailed on these Drawings (UDO 6.8.8). Required by <br /> 17. The Cemetery Use will have no equipment or storage area that will require formal screening, but the Orange Relative to Lot Relative to a w <br /> site design inherently provides effective vegetative screening of interior activities from rights-of-way II. LOT CRITERIA County UDO Area SUP Area Z a <br /> and property boundaries (UDO 6.8.9). <br /> 18. A Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan complying with UDO requirements is included in these Min. Lot Area in RB District: 2.00 Ac. 10.27 Ac. 6.59 Ac. O <br /> Drawings (UDO 6.8.10). Credited Street Area: N/A 0.56 Ac. 0.29 Ac. ' a U <br /> � W <br /> 19. No formal parking spaces are required for the Cemetery Use, and none are provided (UDO 6.9.7). Gross Lot Area GLA): N/A 10.84 Ac. 6.89 Ac.Minimum Lot Width: 130 690 Ft. 340 Ft. O <br /> Historical operation of the existing cemetery on the property has demonstrated that formal parking <br /> Minimum Side Yard: 20 Ft. 20 Ft. N/A Ft. <br /> is not necessary for the nature of vehicular activities that occur on the property. Minimum Rear Yard: 20 Ft. 20 Ft. N/A Ft. <br /> 20. Limited low-intensity outdoor lighting may be provided for security purposes. All project lighting will Minimum Front Yard: 40 Ft. 40 Ft. 40 Ft. O <br /> comply with applicable UDO requirements, and subject to administrative review and approval of a Perimeter Buffers (RB to RB): None None None <br /> Lighting Plan during the standard Site Plan review process (UDO 6.11). W <br /> III. USE CRITERIA <br /> 21. Signage elements for the property will consist of cemetery identification and traffic control signage <br /> Q <br /> at or near the Jones Ferry Road entrance (including maintenance of the existing signs or replacement <br /> Min. Lot Area for Cemetery: 2.00 Ac. 10.27 Ac. 6.59 Ac. <br /> with similar); limited interior directional, informational, or memorial signage, whether temporary or Parking Required for Cemetery: None None None <br /> permanent as may be needed or desired for cemetery operation; and flags on flagpoles. All project <br /> signage will comply with applicable UDO requirements and will be subject to administrative review IV. BUILDING SUMMARY <br /> and approval of a Signage Plan during the standard Site Plan review process (UDO 6.12). <br /> 22. The subject property contains identified ri arian buffer areas associated with a stream. The Primary Structure Area: 0 SF 0 SF G7 <br /> proposed Cemetery Use will not require disturbance of these buffer areas, and they will be Accessory Structure Area: 128 SF 0 SF LU <br /> Maximum Building Height: 25 Ft. 14 Ft. 0 Ft. 2 <br /> protected in accordance with State and County requirements. These Drawings indicate design o <br /> approaches and protective measures to avoid stream buffer impacts UDO 6.13 . <br /> pp p p ( ) V. IMPERVIOUS AREA (per NLA) _ 3: <br /> 23. A preliminary Stormwater Impact Analysis (SIA) is included in the SUP application materials for the <br /> Cemetery Use, describing the methodology proposed to meet UDO requirements for permanent Max. Impervious Percentage: 12.0 % o <br /> stormwater management. Prior to any land disturbance, a final SIA and a Stormwater Management Max. Impervious Area Allowed: 53,696 SF N/A z o <br /> Existing Impervious Area: 12,100 SF N/A w <br /> Plan will be subject to administrative review and approval during the standard Site Plan review LEGEND <br /> New Impervious Area: 30,000 SF N/A o <br /> process (UDO 6.14). LU <br /> Total Impervious Area: 42,100 SF N/A NEW EXISTING REMOVE U) CO <br /> 24. Construction activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable State and local Sediment and Impervious Area Percentage: 9.41 % N/A o w <br /> Erosion Control laws and regulations. Such work will be subject to review and approval of a DRAINAGE STRUCTURE o p o Q ❑ O o 0 ❑ O o 0 <br /> Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan prior to any land disturbance on the property (UDO 6.15). VI. LAND USE INTENSITY (per GL.A) OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE OH XOHDXOH w N <br /> UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE E -XE- -DXE- <br /> 25. An Environmental Assessment is included in the SUP application materials for the Cemetery Use. - o N <br /> This assessment identified no Significant Environmental Impact associated with the proposed use. Maximum Floor Area Ratio, 0.088 UNDERGROUND TELECOM/DATA LINE TD -XTD- -DXTD- co <br /> Maximum Floor Area Allowed: 41,537 SF 26,398 SF FIBER OPTIC CABLE FO -XFO- -DXFO- � <br /> The absence of such impacts indicates that a more detailed Environmental Impact Statement is not L T <br /> warranted (UDO 6.16.3 and 6.16.4). Floor Area Provided: 128 SF 0 SF GAS LINE G - -XG- - - -DXG- - <br /> DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2024 <br /> 26. The proposed Cemetery Use will generate very small amounts of vehicular traffic, historically having Minimum Open Space Ratio: 0.840 STORM DRAINAGE PIPE - -XSD- - - -DxsD- THIS DRAWING AND THE DESIGN HEREON <br /> ARE THE PROPERTY OF CIVIL CONSULTANTS, <br /> approximately ten funeral services each year. Almost none of the traffic associated with the Minimum Open Space Required: 396,488 SF 251,984 SF WATER LINE W -XW- -DXW- INC. THE INFORMATION ON THIS DRAWING IS <br /> NOT FOR USE ON ANY OTHER SITE OR PROJECT. <br /> Cemetery will coincide with peak traffic conditions on local roads. A typical service is attended by a Open Space Provided: 471,881 SF 299,981 SF SURFACE ELEVATION CONTOUR 400 400 TDRAWIN REPRODUCTION OR OTHER ,WITHOHIS <br /> DRAWING IN WHOLE OR IN PART,WITHOUT <br /> small number of participants in 30 vehicles or less resulting in no more than 60 trips per typical 356.44 356.44 WRITTEN CONSENT OF HIBITECIVIL ONSULTANTS,INC., <br /> p p � g p p Yp SURFACE SPOT ELEVATION � x IS PROHIBITED. <br /> service. By these measures, no Traffic Impact Study is warranted nor required by Orange County Minimum Ped./Landscape Ratio: 0.210 COPYRIGHT 2024 CIVIL CONSULTANTS,INC. <br /> Min. Ped./Landscape Area Required: 99,122 SF 62,996 SF LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE/CLEARING <br /> regulations (UDO 6.17.2 and 6.17.3). TREE PROTECTION FENCE <br /> Ped./Landscape Area Provided: 431,651 SF 267,091 SF <br /> SHEET NO. <br /> • <br /> Z:\Shared Folders\Projects\Corona\30015\DWG\Production\C1.1 -Cover-30015.dwg,C1.1 Cover,3/21/2024 8:35:17 AM <br />