Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> Exhibit C — Intended Evidence <br /> I intend to introduce the following document and have attached it follows: <br /> Exhibit#1 entitled: (See attached additional sheets) <br /> This is relevant to standards from Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Sections: <br /> It demonstrates that: z <br /> Intend to call the following as a lay witness: <br /> Lay Witness #1: <br /> Their intended testimony has been included in an affidavit attached as Exhibit: <br /> This witness has personal knowledge of and will testify about: <br /> This testimony is relevant to standards from LIDO Sections: _ <br /> The testimony will demonstrate that: <br /> Intend to call the following as an expert witness: <br /> Expert Witness #1: (See attached additional Sheets) <br /> Is being offered as an expert in: <br /> They possess specialized knowledge in this field through the following training and/or experience: <br /> They reviewed or examined the following data: <br /> Page 3of9 <br />