Agenda - 11-09-2005-2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-09-2005
Agenda - 11-09-2005-2
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8/29/2008 10:40:20 AM
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<br />IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OUT-OF-COUNTY DISPOSAL OPTION FOR <br />ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE <br />(9/05) <br />Introduction <br />Municipal solid waste (MSW) that is generated in Orange County and not recycled is currently disposed at the <br />County's Eubanks Road Landfill, which is expected to reach capacity in the summer of 2010. Once the County <br />Landfill is closed, the County plans to dispose of its non-recycled MSW at a landfill located outside of Orange <br />County. <br />The purpose of this Ceclmical memorandum is to provide an overview of the planning timeframe and implementation <br />options that are available to the County to implement the out-of-County MSW disposal option. <br />Steps to Implementation <br />The implementation of an out-of--County MSW disposal option will involve the completion of the Following tasks: <br />• Itnplementation of a County-Owned Transfer Station <br />• Procurement of Out-of-County Disposal Services <br />• Procurement ofI-Iauling Services <br />A prelinvnary schedule is presented in Figure 1 that illustrates the time requirements that are likely to be associated <br />with each of these tasks, which are discussed below. <br />Transfer Station Implementation <br />The first step in the implementation of Che out-of--County disposal option involves the construction of a County- <br />owned transfer station. <br />The transfer station will enable both municipal and private haulers to avoid making the long-distance haul to the out- <br />of-County disposal site, Instead, haulers can discharge MSW loads at the hansfer station, where the waste is <br />transferred to large (20 ton capacity) hansfer hailers for hauling to the remote disposal site, One-way haul distances <br />of 20 miles generally are sufficient to guarantee the economic viability of a transfer station. By implementing a <br />transfer station, ffie County will be able to enforce local ordinances and policies, maintain control of tipping fees, <br />and reduce buck traffic to the remote disposal facility. In addition, a transfer station provides an essential service for <br />solid waste collection vehicles, which are typically not designed (i.e geared) for dre long-hauling of\vastes <br />Olver Incorporated strongly recommends that the transfer station be owned and conholled by the County. This <br />approach will ensure that the County wilt be able to choose the out-of-County disposal site as well as the waste <br />hauling service provider. Altemafively, if the County elects to use aprivately-owned transfer station, the choice of <br />waste hauler and remote disposal site will be under the control of the private hansfer station owner <br />The implementation of aCounty-owned hansfer station will involve the following steps: <br />• Siting <br />• Design azrd Permitting <br />• Procurement of Construction Services <br />• Transfer Station Consruction <br />Orange County Page t of 6 09/22/05 <br />
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