Agenda - 11-09-2005-2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-09-2005
Agenda - 11-09-2005-2
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9/2/2008 12:52:43 AM
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8/29/2008 10:40:20 AM
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Siting <br />County staff have previously recommended that the future County ransfer station be located at the <br />Eubatilcs Road Landfill Site. In this regard, dte staff have recommended tbaC a site feasibility <br />evaluation be conducted for Ibis site to determine if it is suitable from an operational and <br />permitting perspective. <br />If the existing Eubanks Road location is not found to be feasible, the County would have to initiate <br />a site identification, evaluation, and selection process which is likely to encounter significant <br />public resistance to potential sites and requite a substantial amount of time to complete. As <br />indicated in Figure 1, a total of 15 months have been allocated for the completion of this task, with <br />the actual required time dependent on the level ofpublic resistance to the selected site(s), <br />Design and Permitting <br />Once the site for the fransfet station has been selected and acquired, the design and permitting <br />tasks can be initiated. As shown in Figure I, eighteen months have been allocated for the <br />completion of this task, with the actual required Yime dependent on the amount of time required by <br />the State to review and approve the pemtit application. <br />Procurement of Construction Services <br />Qnce the transfer station is designed, ffie County will need to procure consruction services <br />duough the conduct of the following tads: <br />• Development of Bid Specifications <br />• Issuance of "Request For Bids" <br />• Evaluation of Bids <br />• Bid Award <br />• Issuance of Notice To Proceed <br />A total of 9 months (270 days) has been allocated for this step. <br />Construction <br />Constmction of the transfer station should take no longer than one year however, eighteen <br />months have been allocated for this task to accommodate construction delays due to inclement <br />weather and unforeseen developments. <br />Procurement of Disposal Services <br />The procurement of remote disposal services will involve the development and issuance of a "Request for <br />Proposals (RFP)", the development of proposals by landfill service providers in response [o the RPP, the <br />evaluation of proposals, the selection of a preferred contractor, and the negotiation of a disposal services <br />agreement- <br />The time frame required fo[ each of these tasks is estimated to be as follows: <br />• RFP Development and Issuance - 6 months <br />• Development of Proposals - 6 months <br />• Evaluation of Proposals - 6 months <br />• Contractor Selection and Confr'act Negotiation - 9 months <br />Orange County Page 3 of 6 09/22/05 <br />
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