Orange County NC Website
Quick Reference Guide for Emergency Sheltering <br />in Orange County <br />SHELTER INFORNL~TION; <br />Two locations are established in Orange County: <br />1) Smith Ivliddle School, 9201 Seawell School Rd., Chapel Hill <br />2) C.Z~LStanford Midclle School, 303 Orange HS Rd., Hillsborough <br />• Shelter locations may change depending on the emergency. <br />• Listen to battery-powered radios for fiuther directions <br />concerning shelters that are open (VJCHL-AM (1360), <br />~ArDCG-FM (105.1), VitRAL-FIv1 {101.5), y~'RSN-FIv1 {93.9), <br />~I'ZTK-FNI (101.1). <br />• Shelters ~i~ill have food and water. <br />ONCE EVACUATION HAS BEEN ORDERED <br />LEAVE I117N1EDIATELY <br />IF I'OU AIIUST HAVE TRANSPORTATION: <br />Emergency transportation may be provided for you. Call <br />968-2050 for this assistance. Do not wait until the last minute; <br />call immediately so transportation can be coordinated. <br />WHAT TO BRING 1VITH YOU TO THE SHELTER: <br />Bring your family's disaster kit or any or all of the items listed: <br />• Picture ID, regularly taken medication, insurance information <br />• Bedding, towels, comfortable clothing, basic toiletries <br />• Personal radios with head phones, gashes/reading materials for <br />children <br />• Specialty items for yolu needs (special dietary needs, etc.). <br />1r~'HAT NOT TO BRING (NOT ALLOVS'ED): <br />• tI'eapons, illegal drugs, liquor, ca~idles, or valuables <br />• Smoking is not allowed in the shelter. <br />PETS: <br />Dogs for the hearing and visually impaired udll be allowed in the <br />shelter. Animal Services will be on hand to take care of all other pets. <br />Bring a11get-related needs with you. <br />PRIOR TO THE CRISIS: <br />Make an~angements for transportation. <br />If special assistance is needed, call Social Services (2~5-2884) <br />to register for this assistance. <br />Ask anout-of-state friend to be a "family contact". Notify them when <br />you leave your residence and where you tivill be located. Update as <br />yotu location changes. <br />72-Hour Disaster Kit <br />Ensure a minimwn three days supply for each person and any <br />household pets. Store your kit in a convenient place known to all <br />family members. <br />• Canned food, manual can opener, can of cooking fuel (sterno) <br />• Meclications & prescriptions, list of family physicians <br />• Special food and supplies for infants, elderly persons, etc. <br />• First-aid kit and first-aid manual, fire extinguisher <br />• Battery operated radio,/TV, flashlights, and extra. batteries <br />• Drinking water (1 gal/per person per day), stored in clean plastic <br />containers with tight-fitting screw-cap lids, and other drinks. <br />• Bedding supplies, sanitary supplies (toilet paper, feminine supplies} <br />• Cards, books, small games, road maps <br />• Clothing, rain gear, stw~dy shoes, extra pair of glasses <br />• Credit cards and cash, extra set of car keys, insurance policy <br />nwnbers <br />• Picture ID <br />• List of vnportant family information, style & serial nwnbers of <br />medical de~rices such as pacemakers. <br />• Food and water, medications, toys and carriers for all household pets <br />ORANGE COUNTP EMERGENCI' D~LINAGER'IENT <br />PO BOY 3131, HILLSBOROUGH, NC 272?8 <br />(919) 968-?050 <br />-- <br />FD <br />w4 9-1-I , <br />PRE-PLANNING SAVES LIVES. BE PREPARED <br />