2.7.24 Planning Board Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
2.7.24 Planning Board Minutes
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Last modified
4/26/2024 4:58:08 PM
Creation date
4/26/2024 4:57:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Approved 3-6-24 <br /> 547 resources available for making such informed decisions. North Carolina's Department of Environmental <br /> 548 Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency, to name just two. Answers to the challenges posed to our <br /> 549 environment by climate change and to our watersheds by Urban Stream Syndrome, are inextricably linked to <br /> 550 our land use policy, and thus provide us with a relatively clear path forward. Science-based reforms to our <br /> 551 Comprehensive Land Use Plan will contribute to solving those long-term environmental issues that we face <br /> 552 together. Now is the time to listen to the boots-in-the-water and bring our UDO into compliance with the <br /> 553 science. <br /> 554 <br /> 555 John Dempsey provided a handout of watershed neutral planning and development to the Board. <br /> 556 <br /> 557 Margo Lakin: Good evening, my name is Margo Lakin. I live in Hillsborough. I attended the public input <br /> 558 session on January 20. My husband attended the one in Cedar Grove on January 19th. Both sessions saw <br /> 559 staggering numbers of concerned citizens who I would argue are the ultimate stakeholders in all of this. Past <br /> 560 and current board members from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough spoke to the importance of <br /> 561 protecting the watersheds and the rural buffers and our tree canopy and our biodiversity. Past County <br /> 562 commissioners shared how they fought for the Rural Buffer back in the day, as they vehemently encouraged <br /> 563 us to do the same now. It was alive and clearly articulated consensus we need a science-based <br /> 564 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. We need to hear from the scientists, the experts, who have the concrete data <br /> 565 needed to make land use decisions. I also want to remind everyone that during the pandemic, many of us <br /> 566 were able to put food on our tables, thanks to the farmers of Orange County who were able to farm only <br /> 567 because of the Rural Buffer. We must remember this is Orange County. This isn't Chatham or Johnston or <br /> 568 Durham or Alamance. It's imperative to listen to the citizens in creating a Comprehensive Land Use Plan that <br /> 569 reflects our wants and our needs. I see Thank Science signs in many yards throughout the County. If we <br /> 570 want to truly thank science, it's time we bring science to the table when creating this Comprehensive Land Use <br /> 571 Plan. Thank you. <br /> 572 <br /> 573 Rob Minton: Thank you for allowing us to speak in public in this very important meeting. My name is <br /> 574 Rob Minton. I've lived in Hillsborough, 25, 30 years, and one of the things that we appreciate of this area is the <br /> 575 rural buffers. It needs to be emphasized over and over again. The reason it was created is because of the <br /> 576 positive impacts that it has on the community as a whole. That's why people come here. I think that's why this <br /> 577 county is unique. Compared to other counties, they have sort of bellied up to lax zoning laws and things that <br /> 578 happened in Mebane here, recently with Buc-ee's, with very little environmental concerns. Anyway, wanted to <br /> 579 emphasize that science, I agree with the previous speaker, science-based evidence is important here, as well <br /> 580 as it is to emphasize the fact that there needs to be... the stakeholders here, I feel, are the people who spoke <br /> 581 out in public, and I appreciate the survey having us. I was one of the attendees at this one on January the <br /> 582 20th and I was very impressed by the fact that so many people overwhelmingly want to keep this community <br /> 583 intact with the rural buffers. The reason things have been very different and unique here is because of that <br /> 584 and I would like to certainly continue to encourage this committee and survey to include that within their overall <br /> 585 presentation. One question that I have here, is actually who are the stakeholders? I agree with one of the <br /> 586 Planning Board members that it seems to be a little disconnect here, with one side, I don't even know who the <br /> 587 stakeholders are. I don't know if any of us do, other than to survey, the consultation people, that wasn't <br /> 588 addressed at all. If the stakeholders are pro-development, I've got a real problem with that. I think public input <br /> 589 is important here and I just wanted to close out by saying please keep the current rural buffers. They're so <br /> 590 important. Thank you. <br /> 591 <br /> 592 Lamar Proctor read out the list of stakeholder interviews from the packet and asked if there was input from an <br /> 593 scientific resources in terms of ecological protection. <br /> 594 <br /> 595 Leigh Anne King confirmed that one part of the consultant team is Equinox, a group with landscape architects <br /> 596 and others focused on the science and the planning of natural lands. <br />
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