Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Project Manager entered classrooms, visited lunch sessions and Friday night football games at <br />both Orange High School and Cedar Ridge High School to inform students of the opportunity to become <br />a peer educator with the project and initiated application process, <br />Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Among Adol. Parenting Program Participants <br />Administered a survey to assess the amount and location of secondhand smoke exposure for <br />participants of the Adolescent Parenting Program. Results to be used to develop apopulation-specific <br />intervention to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke. <br />November, 200.3 <br />Development of Year I Survey Assessment of OCS 100% Tobacco-Free Schools Policy <br />Project Manger met with OCS Healthful Living Coordinator and the North Carolina Tobacco <br />Prevention and Control Branch to develop a survey instrument assessing the progress of the 100% <br />Tobacco Free Schools Policy.. <br />Peer Educator Recruitment <br />Fourteen peer educators were recmited from both Orange High School and Cedar Ridge High <br />School to comprise the 2003-2004 Tobacco Reality Unfiltered (TRU) (OCS) youth group. <br />Secondhand Smoke Intervention with Adol. Parenting Program Participants <br />Adolescent Parenting Program Participants received skills building intervention around reducing <br />exposure to secondhand smoke in the home. Participants role-played and practiced skills needed to <br />advocate for smoke-free homes for themselves and their child. <br />December, 2003 <br />School-based Outreach <br />Project Manager entered classrooms and visited lunch sessions at both East Chapel Hill High <br />School and Chapel Hill High School to inform students of the opportunity to become a peer educator with <br />the project and initiated application process. <br />Orange County I-Iealth Care Provider Education <br />Distributed best practices guidelines to Orange County Health Care Provider for initiating <br />tobacco prevention and cessation conversations with youth patients. Reached approximately 50 <br />providers. <br />Attended National Tobacco or Health Conference <br />Project Manager traveled to National Tobacco or Health Conference to further training and <br />expertise development in youth tobacco-use prevention and cessation. <br />Board of Health Accepts N.O.T. (Not on Tobacco) Mini Grant to Initiate Youth Cessation Prod <br />Mini grant in the amount of $1,500 secured to initiate youth tobacco cessation classes in OCS. <br />January, 2004 <br />News of Orange Monthly Column Granted <br />Project Manger negotiated and received monthly column with the News of Orange to cover issues <br />related to youth tobacco-use prevention. Youth involvement in the colurmr will be developed,. <br />Peer Educator Training <br />2003-2004 TRU Group (OCS) peer educators begin training in youth tobacco-use prevention <br />curriculum. <br />