Orange County NC Website
TOTAL GRANT AWARD ANTICIPATED: <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />SECTION I: REQUIRED <br />Critical Benchmarlc 3: Mutual Aid Plan for upgrading and deploying EMS <br />assistance from outside the immediate area to hospitals in disaster situations. <br />Objective 3-a EMS <br />Documentation of Bioterrorism Plan. The E11~IS Systenzis izzcluded irr the county's <br />compr°ehensive bioterrorisnr plan mmraged by Public Health. This plan is available foz° review. <br />Objective 3-b EMS <br />Mutual Aid Agreements with area hospitals. Ormzge County is a signatory entity ozr the North <br />Carolina Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. Ormzge Courrt)r ENIS does not currently have but is <br />pro°suing explicit agreements with the major surrounding hospitals. <br />Objective 3-c EMS <br />Mutual Aid Agreements with the EMS systems in your region. Orange Cozarty is a signatory <br />entity on the North Car°olina Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. Orange Cozmty EiYIS does not <br />czn°rently have but is purszrirrg explicit agreements with major m ea EMS agencies. <br />Objective 3-d EMS <br />Participation in a Regional Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC). Orange County ENIS <br />participates in the combined Dulce /Midcarolina RACs Disaster Prepmredness Committee. <br />Objective 3-e EMS <br />Participation in a Local Homeland Security Planning Committee. Ormrge County ErYIS <br />participates irr the Emergency Nlanagen:ent Planning Committee composed of ~repr°esentatives <br />from all ernergency services provider°s in the county. <br />Critical Benchmarlc 4-2: Surveillance and Patient Tt•aclcing <br />Objective 4-2a EMS <br />Premis. Orange Cornrty EMS plans to submit the required NCCEP datapoints directly to OEtYIS <br />by zzsirrg the Pr°eMIS online sofhvare. <br />Objective 4-2b EMS <br />Other data collecting tool. N/A <br /> <br />Critical Benchmarlc 2-4: Credentialing of Clinicians <br />