Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Pnovission 7—Disisolutil(in Clauvi: <br /> In th a event of th e c issolutiuri of th e ccirplon 1 icin,to the extent allawec u rider aplpilicab lei law,all of thea <br /> aisset of the carporaitian shaill bei dislrit uteid to,ar it asset: shall b(i stile ainc the piraaeeds dislrit uted <br /> to,ansa an rricire clualify jrigl charitable crgainizaticris Dais hereinafter defined),which shall b selected by <br /> I he bciard till directors of th a ccirplaral ion.Fcw rlu rpases of tH ese b ylaws,tt a term"qualifying ctl aril at le <br /> arganizal ianP'shaill meani a carder,it ion,fund ur fou nidal ion wH ich is creat ec in th a United States,any <br /> sl ale an t arritaryl,tH a District(ill Columb iai,eir ary puss essicni of the U riil ec States,cuiganiized acid <br /> aperal ec a)alu sivedy far religiaus,chanitab le,scieritillia,lit(marNi cir ec u caitiur,ial purplases wli ich tH eni <br /> qualifies as(ixerriplt from 1,ix,it ien urid er the provisions of sectiuri 5a](c](3; cif th a Ccid(i,is tH en <br /> described ir.i.,iectiori lia(c)(;] cdltta(lade anc is tHen cilher than ai ppiivale faunic atiuri rlursuamitto <br /> sectiuri 5m(ai)of the Cloc e.Iri 1he everil thait for arty reasons upciri 1he di.,iscduliani of the ccrploraitian the <br /> board(ill directors cif the carrlar,d iani shall fail to act in the marnn(m h erein pirovic ec witH r i ai reasor iab le <br /> time,th c sariior jt d ge of the Su pleriar Cciu rt all Orange Oaur ity shall m,ik a su et d istrib u 1 ictus as H ereiri <br /> plromk e u plan th a apgllicationi a8 civic or mcwe pie rsans H aivinigl ari official plasitiari w it h the aeirpuratiar. <br /> Piovislion 8—Purpusie Clauvi: <br /> The plurpase all tt a carpuraitiuri sh all t e ta: <br /> 1. Hdu tate tt ei pub lic,lcical lkirm-bossed plraducens,food-b ased businie:ises,cc linaryi prugrarris and <br /> pramate 1h(i ecoriamic viab ilit)l of farm-bailed plraduc(uis anc food-b aisec t usiriesse:i acrass the <br /> reglicin in tH eon eflkirt 1 a prod u ce lacailly glrawri valu a-ac c ec h eali hful piroducts,creaitci sustainiat le <br /> local faac b usiriesses avid assaaiait(id jabs,amid pre:iervie productive farmlanc; <br /> 2. Prcivid a for the b ettermenil of thei ccnditior s cilth cis(i englagl(id iri su ch rlursuit:,the implravemer 1 of <br /> tf a Trac a of t heir plrad ucts,and tH a development cif,i h iglh(ir degree(ill efficiency in tH ein respective <br /> occuplatiuris by estat lisping and operating a shanec-use,wilu a-aide cc,fouc ainc agricultural <br /> pracessirigl facility; <br /> 3. Ec u tate local fairrri-basec rpiadu cers,lkiad-t ased bu sincisses,culin airy pirograni anc other slier is <br /> wH a wise lo pirad uce locally glrowri value-adc cc food it ems ab ou 1 th(i her,eflts of ai&iod avid <br /> agriau ll u rad piracessir ig facility; <br /> 4. Devel(irl fund irig,pt rcH ase cui lease read ar plorsaniad praplerty,ar t arrow n ieN it i cued er to <br /> (1lfectu ate tt a Carpiarail ion's ec u aatiurial goals avid to c euelarl anc rpiovide a shairec-us(i,wilu e- <br /> add(id,food and agriaub ural processing facilit))than meets Gcieid Marufactu ringl Fluactice(GM1T <br /> standards; <br /> S. Pravid(i t usiriess dcivcloplmeril supIll uit airid ed ucal a piotenitiad clienits ini thei neglicmi at ciul h ow to <br /> start a Ikiad-b aised businiess,develop ai busini(is pllani ar d comply with food safety nequ irem(mits, <br /> avid pravid a gunieral awes iglht cilia lkiad and agricu li u ral prucessirig facility l ha l rrieets GIM FI <br /> standairds; <br /> E. Caaperale witf anc cinlist su rlpurl fdum local ciducatianal,agricultural,anc economic d(ivelaplmerit <br /> institulianis in 1ho aflkicl ec rloilitic,il jurisd,kuy stakeholders,anic existing service providers <br /> in tH a region iniclu d ing cooperative(ixtensiani,small bu siness caniters,anc cu linin iryi programs at <br /> lac,it ed ucat icnal facilities to meet tH a Carp oration's(d uc,d icnal€loails; <br /> 1. Estab lish caopler,il ive relatiur sh iris with reillulatary ollficials to a nid(uisI and the local regulatory <br /> (inivirarimenl,meel cuunty1 avid FDA neglulalianis,and plursue U SDA ar stn 1e-irisplected vailue-,idded <br /> meat rpiocessing and(iducaitu piatentiail clients about tH ese neiglulatiaris; <br /> 8. Ir.ii1 iate oth er.icl iv it ies ciansisI er t with th a abcivu Flu rpases. <br /> The corpcuiaitiari is urglariiz(d exclusively far charitable,reiliglious,avid saiartific Flu rpuses,iricluc it gl,far <br /> such Flu upiuses,the makinfl of c istribu 1 ions tci anganizatior s clualifyir an(ixerriplt arglar izat icin filum <br /> Federal incamc tax unc er sectiuri 5a]1(31; of the Internal Reveinu a Cad e,ar currespurA inig secs ion(ill <br /> l any Tutu re Hlec erad tax cud e.Natmi ith si ar.iding ainN ME er prciv of 1 h is c ocu mer d,t he arganizal icni <br /> shall not carryi an any cit h(ui Fiurpase nut penmitllec 1 a bei carriec on(a] by ain orglanizal icni exerripit from <br /> Federal inicame tax unc er Section 5C11(c)(3] of tt a Internal Rcveniue C oc e,or corrusrlanc irigl sectiani of <br /> any future tax code,or Qb)bN ani cuiganiizatiori,ccmtributicmis to wt ich ane c edu ctib Ic u nidcir sectiori <br /> l I iagc)Q2; of th a Inteunial Reveriue(lade,or carresplanc irigl sectior.i of anN future Hlederal tax cud e. <br /> l <br />