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MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH RETREAT <br /> March 2, 2024 <br /> five potential focus areas for Board of Health strategic planning over the next four years. Board <br /> members discussed which priority areas they wished to focus on and, once the likely priorities <br /> had been decided, who would serve on each priority committee. <br /> Some highlights of this discussion are below: <br /> • Dr. Crandell asked if there were other priority areas that could be focused on or if the <br /> board was limited only to these focus areas. Ms. Phillips-Weiner clarified that the board <br /> could choose any priority areas that they agree upon, but she had organized the <br /> discussion around the five potential areas to help keep things focused. Ms. Phillips- <br /> Weiner opened the floor to other suggestions for priorities. Dr. Crandell suggested youth <br /> and teen health, including topics like screen time, adolescent vaping, and possibly <br /> prenatal care. Dr. Royce suggested civic engagement as a possible priority. Mr. Bagby <br /> expressed concern that a committee focused on young people's health might be <br /> duplicative, as Orange Partnership is already doing a lot of work focused on the health of <br /> young people. <br /> • Dr. Baldwin commented that he felt that two of the 2023 priorities were the same as the <br /> existing areas (Access to Care and Access to Care; Substance Use Disorders and <br /> Health Behaviors). He also suggested that Connections to Community Support could <br /> merge nicely with Health Equity, and it might be possible to simply keep the existing <br /> areas and do work that covers both priorities. <br /> • Dr. Royce said that she feels torn and would kind of like to get rid of Health Equity as its <br /> own priority area to ensure that instead each committee is being intentional about <br /> incorporating health equity in their work. Mr. Bagby expressed concern that if health <br /> equity was not a priority on its own then it might be swept under the rug and not made a <br /> priority in committee work going forward. Dr. Royce clarified that she meant that health <br /> equity should be elevated and made a significant part of all strategic planning efforts for <br /> each priority area. Ms. Stewart added that at a county level, organizations are moving <br /> away from siloed efforts to address health equity, and instead to incorporate equity <br /> considerations into every action, giving the example of the health department budget. <br /> She agreed that if health equity were not its own priority going forward then there would <br /> be deliberate efforts to make sure it was being addressed by all committees. Mr. Bagby <br /> was still concerned that equity might be pushed off to the last minute and end up not <br /> being addressed if committees ran out of time; Ms. Phillips-Weiner assured him that she <br /> and Ms. Stewart have discussed this and would be intentional about including health <br /> equity in any strategic planning efforts. Ms. Stewart also shared her concern that <br /> keeping health equity as a separate priority focus might prevent other committees from <br /> considering it, as they assume it is being taken care of by the health equity committee. <br /> Because the board wanted to build in concrete accountability for themselves to ensure <br /> that equity did not become an afterthought, this activity concluded with a brainstorming <br /> exercise by the board on ways to build health equity checks into their activities. <br /> • Dr. Stuebe mentioned an infographic that explains the difference between equality, <br /> equity, and justice (shared below). She said that many of these potential priorities are <br /> human rights issues (a right to healthcare, a right to mental health and support) and that <br /> she wonders if the board should instead focus on justice rather than equity. Dr. Rodgers <br /> echoed that justice is removing the barriers while equity is providing supports. Ms. <br /> Stewart expressed her support for this idea, saying that Orange County is often a <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\B0H\Agendas&Abstracts\2024 Agenda and Abstracts/130H Retreat <br /> Page 9 <br />