Orange County NC Website
122 <br /> 123 Agenda Item S.c. Orange County Transportation Service Public Involvement Plan <br /> 124 Nish pointed the department's PIP (Public Involvement Plan) and using it to engage the communities <br /> 125 through environmental justice practices. Reaching out and actively engaging the communities. Darlene <br /> 126 Weaver stated staff is looking for OUTBoard's feedback on the OCTS PIP. The Facebook page and other <br /> 127 social media sources are part of the PIP. Comments from the County's Communications Department and <br /> 128 others will be used to update the Department's PIP. <br /> 129 <br /> 130 Nish thanked Darlene Weaver for drafting the department's first Public Involvement Plan. Darlene <br /> 131 explained how she drafted by researching various states and counties PIPs. The objective of the PIP is to <br /> 132 get the information out to the public and ensure public has access to the information. She explained how <br /> 133 to reach different age groups—seniors to youth—through different means. <br /> 134 <br /> 135 Nish stated we used DCHC MPO PIP as the adopted one for a base. Hard copies are made available upon <br /> 136 request. Document includes a section on the SWG (Staff Working Group) because of department <br /> 137 responsibilities to them. It also includes Environmental Justice best practices like Communities of Concern <br /> 138 and actively going out to them rather than waiting for them to contact us. <br /> 139 <br /> 140 Sherry inquired on surveys. The document includes surveys one is event or project specific, other <br /> 141 satisfactory based in coordination with the County's Strategic Plan. Darlene Weaver noted about paper <br /> 142 and internet surveys for convenience. Nish is looking into interactive online survey, like Mentimeter, for <br /> 143 immediate survey results.The County's Strategic Plan will monitor certain surveys every two years.They'll <br /> 144 be tracking it every two years, so we'll just be looking at improvements over two years. <br /> 145 <br /> 146 Agenda Item 5.d.Transit Dashboard <br /> 147 Nish provided update on the Dashboard. He showed a link to a dashboard which showed the service <br /> 148 routes,vehicle locations, bus stops,and other data.This is a real-time, public map and data tracking. Users <br /> 149 are be able to track the whereabouts of their bus.This information is expected to be accessible within the <br /> 150 next month. If the OUTBoard has any suggestions for improvement, please submit them. It will be updated <br /> 151 with your feedback and published when compete. <br /> 152 <br /> 153 Amy asked if track was proprietary or independent. If replaced, would we still have the tracking? Nish <br /> 154 stated we will update the software and tracking simultaneously if/when we change technology, like going <br /> 155 from Ecolane to Trapeze, which will also require a similar transition. The dashboard is our property and <br /> 156 will be part of the department's website. <br /> 157 <br /> 158 Tracking does not monitor people, who or where individuals are picked up. Jamie Crandall expressed <br /> 159 concern regarding the passengers' privacy becoming public knowledge. Are there any legal matters that <br /> 160 the OUTBoard would need to address? Nish stated this has already been addressed as other agencies are <br /> 161 already doing this, like NextBus.Oliver thanked staff for the dashboard and statistics, and recommended <br /> 162 linking map to Google. Nish answered that we already work with IT department as they coordinate with <br /> 163 Google. <br /> 164 <br /> 165 Agenda Item 6: Staff Updates and Reports <br /> 166 Nish stated County and CPRPO approved the NC54 Multimodal Corridor Study. He stated that our next <br /> 167 task is to request DCHC MPO (Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro) (Metropolitan Planning Organization) <br /> 168 approve it. The Board received a document including DOT project updates and statuses. He stated DCHC <br /> 169 MPO is conducting the 2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan update. <br />