Orange County NC Website
2022 20232024 2025O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F MP7.0P7 WorkgroupProject Submittal and ScoringLocal Input Points and ProgrammingDraft 2026-2035 STIPP7 ScheduleJun: BOT Approves P7 MethodologyOct: Workgroup KickoffFixed DatesJul - Oct: Project Submittal WindowJul 10: SPOT Online Go-liveJan - Feb: Program Division NeedsMar: Draft 2026-2035 STIP Released at BOT (Final STIP approval in Sep. 2025)Nov - Apr: Data Review and ScoringEnd of May: Quantitative Scores & Statewide Mobility Programmed Projects ReleasedJune - Aug: Regional Impact Local Input Point AssignmentOct - Dec: Division Needs Local Input Point AssignmentEnd of Sep: Regional Impact Total Scores & Programmed Projects ReleasedMar: Partner Data ReviewMay: Program Statewide MobilitySep: Program Regional ImpactPartner InputSchedule Revision – September 8. 2023Dates set per P7 Workgroup in October 2022Oct 27: SPOT Online closes for project submittalOther Key DatesJul 21, 2023: Carryover Modifications and Deletions dueOct. 27, 2023: Area-Specific Weights dueMay 1, 2024: Deadline for SPOT Office approval of LIP Assignment Methodologies