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i <br /> I <br /> FY 2025 Special Section 5333 ( b ) Warranty <br /> of assistance , but shall be independently binding and enforceable by and upon the parties t <br /> k' <br /> thereto , and by any covered employee or his/ her representative , in accordance with its <br /> terms, nor shall any other employee protective agreement merge into this arrangement, but <br /> each shall be independently binding and enforceable by and upon the parties thereto , in <br /> accordance with its terms . <br /> ( 21 ) This arrangement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto , <br /> and no provisions , terms , or obligations herein contained shall be affected , modified , <br /> altered , or changed in any respect whatsoever by reason of the arrangements made by or <br /> for the Recipient to manage and operate the system . <br /> Any person , enterprise , body, or agency, whether publicly - or privately- owned , which shall <br /> undertake the management, provision and / or operation of the Project services or the <br /> Recipient ' s transit system , or any part or portion thereof, under contractual arrangements of <br /> h <br /> any form with the Recipient, its successors or assigns , shall agree to be bound by the terms <br /> of this arrangement and accept the responsibility with the Recipient for full performance of <br /> these conditions . As a condition precedent to any such contractual arrangements, the <br /> Recipient shall require such person , enterprise , body or agency to so agree . <br /> r; <br /> i <br /> ( 22 ) In the event of the acquisition , assisted with Federal funds , of any transportation system <br /> or services, or any part or portion thereof, the employees of the acquired entity shall be t <br /> assured employment, in comparable positions, within the jurisdiction and control of the <br /> acquiring entity, including positions in the employment of any entity bound by this <br /> arrangement pursuant to paragraph ( 21 ) . All persons employed under the provisions of this <br /> paragraph shall be appointed to such comparable positions without examination , other than <br /> that required by applicable federal , state or federal law or collective bargaining agreement, <br /> and shall be credited with their years of service for purposes of seniority, vacations , and <br /> pensions in accordance with the records of their former employer and /or any applicable <br /> collective bargaining agreements . <br /> ( 23 ) The employees covered by this arrangement shall continue to receive any applicable I <br /> coverage under Social Security, Railroad Retirement, Workmen ' s Compensation , <br /> unemployment compensation , and the like . In no event shall these benefits be worsened as <br /> a result of the Project . r <br /> ( 24 ) In the event any provision of this arrangement is held to be invalid , or otherwise <br /> unenforceable under the federal , state , or local law, in the context of a particular Project, <br /> the remaining provisions of this arrangement shall not be affected and the invalid or <br /> unenforceable provision shall be renegotiated by the Recipient and the interested Union j <br /> representatives , if any, of the employees involved for purpose of adequate replacement <br /> under Section 5333 ( b ) . If such negotiation shall not result in mutually satisfactory agreement <br /> any party may invoke the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor to determine substitute fair <br /> and equitable employee protective arrangements for application only to the particular <br /> 4; <br /> i <br /> 15 <br /> NCDOT-IMD <br /> March 5 , 2024 <br />