Orange County NC Website
r <br /> DocuSign Envelope ID : K815948- 1A81 -4F11 -AlF&95538D7976313 <br /> L <br /> i% <br /> b . Grant Funds shall not be released , or paid , in advance of performance of actual <br /> services or delivery of reimbursable purchases , nor paid for interest, allocations for budget <br /> contingencies , maintenance or other services in future fiscal years . Grant Funds may not [' <br /> be used for any type of bond , monies due upon contract execution, or any type of <br /> speculative downpayment for the project . Funds shall be applied to ineligible expenses as C <br /> identified in the Grant Application as authorized by N . C . Gen . Stat . § 143134407 (b) (4) , and - <br /> to expenses that are eligible under N . C . Gen . Stat . § 143134400 et seq , and the Rules and <br /> policies of the 911 Board . The Grantee agrees that final invoices shall not be reimbursed <br /> p g l; <br /> by the Board until the final report required by Exhibit A of this Agreement is received and <br /> accepted by the Executive Director . <br /> L' <br /> c . As stated in Subsection 2 (c) (4) of this Grant Agreement, once activated on the <br /> VIPER system, the Grantee will submit a completed copy of the subscriber unit activation <br /> request form as sent to the VIPER Network Operations Center . The completed request form is <br /> shall be sent as a pdf file to the PSAP ' s assigned Regional Coordinator and shall become <br /> an addendum to this executed Grant Agreement . The Grantee agrees that it must submit <br /> the activation request form and until it does so , it shall not be reimbursed by the Board . L <br /> i <br /> d . The Grantee agrees to submit all requests for reimbursement to the Board under <br /> Subsection 7 (a) of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of Grantee ' s payment to that <br /> Vendor following performance of services or delivery of purchases , The Grantee agrees <br /> that final invoices shall not be reimbursed by the Board until the final report required by <br /> Exhibit A of this Agreement is received and approved by the Executive Director as meeting <br /> the requirements of Rule 09 NCAC 06C . 0405 (c) . - k <br /> e , Indirect costs and administrative costs will not be allowable charges against Grant <br /> Funds unless such costs are specifically included in the approved Project budget as <br /> incorporated into the award . <br /> f. Grantee will maintain full , accurate , and verifiable accounting records to support <br /> the preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting practices applicable <br /> to N . C . local governments as approved by , or consistent with, standards of the Local <br /> Government Commission . Expenditures must be consistent with the Project Budget and <br /> N . C . Gen . Stat . § 143B - 1400 etseq . <br /> g . In the event Grantee breaches any of the covenants or agreements contained in this <br /> Section, or any of the representations and warranties of Sections 9 , 19 , and 24 are untrue <br /> as to a material fact as of the date of this Agreement, Grantee agrees to return any unearned ; <br /> f <br /> Grant Funds held by Grantee and refund sums equal to any non- qualified expenditures paid <br /> with Grant Funds . Grantee ' s obligations that are created b this Agreement to return Grant <br /> g Y g <br /> Funds and to refund sums apply only to Grant Funds held by Grantee . Grant Funds are It i <br /> "held " by Grantee only to the extent they are in the actual , not constructive , possession of <br /> Y <br /> Grantee . Grantee shall timely enforce all such rights , duties and perform its responsibilities <br /> to ensure completion of the accounting and return of Grant Funds to the Board . <br /> i % <br /> h . Grantee must attend workshops or other instructional sessions relating to r <br /> administration of the Grant or use of 911 Funds provided by the 911 Board during the term I <br /> of this Agreement . <br /> E <br /> k <br /> Page 7 of 21 <br /> E <br /> 1% <br /> r ( ' <br />