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<br />The EI Group, Inc. • 800.717.3472 • <br /> Standard Terms and Conditions <br /> <br /> <br />The proposal submitted by The EI Group (“EI”), a North Carolina corporation, ("CONSULTANT") to the <br />CLIENT is subject to the following terms and conditions. By accepting any of the services offered in this <br />proposal, the CLIENT agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions with respect to all work <br />performed by EI or its subconsultants: <br /> <br />1. Billing and Payment: CLIENT will pay CONSULTANT for all of its services based on invoices <br />submitted to CLIENT. CLIENT recognizes that timely payment is a material part of this Agreement. Each <br />invoice is due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the invoice. CLIENT will pay an <br />additional charge of one and one-half percent (18% annually) per month not to exceed the maximum rate <br />allowed by law for any payment received by CONSULTANT more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date <br />of the invoice. If CLIENT disputes any part of an invoice, CLIENT will notify CONSULTANT in writing of <br />such dispute within thirty (30) days of the date of such invoice. If CLIENT fails to notify CONSULTANT as <br />required above, CLIENT waives any and all claims, rights and defenses related to the work covered by such <br />invoices. <br /> <br />2. Standard of Care: CONSULTANT provides no express or implied warranties or guarantees of any <br />kind. CONSULTANT only agrees that it will perform the Services in accordance with the standard of care and <br />diligence normally practiced by consulting firms performing services of a similar nature in the same locale. <br /> <br />3. Limitation of Liability: CLIENT agrees that CONSULTANT’s liability for any claims that may be <br />asserted by CLIENT is limited to $25,000 or to the fee paid to CONSULTANT under this Agreement, whichever <br />is greater. Both CLIENT and CONSULTANT hereby waive any right to pursue a claim for consequential <br />damages, including any claims for lost profits against one another. <br /> <br />4. Notification of Breach or Delay: CLIENT shall provide prompt written notice to CONSULTANT if <br />CLIENT becomes aware of any fault, defect or delay in the CONSULTANT’s work or the work of any <br />subcontractor or subconsultant, including any error, omission or inconsistency in such work or any alleged <br />breach of contract by CONSULTANT. The failure of CLIENT to provide such written notice within five (5) <br />business days from the time CLIENT became aware of, or should have become aware of, the fault, defect, error, <br />omission, inconsistency or breach, shall constitute a waiver by CLIENT of any and all claims against <br />CONSULTANT arising out of such fault, defect, delay, error, omission, inconsistency or breach. <br /> <br />5. Project Site: Should CLIENT not be owner of the project site, then CLIENT agrees to notify the <br />Owner(s) of the potential for unavoidable alteration of Owner’s property and to indemnify and defend <br />CONSULTANT against any claims by the Owner or persons having possession of the site through the Owner <br />which are related to such alteration or damage. <br /> <br />6. Documents and Records: The CLIENT will furnish or cause to be furnished to the CONSULTANT <br />such reports, data, studies, plans, specifications, documents and other information deemed necessary by the <br />CONSULTANT for proper performance of the CONSULTANT's services. CONSULTANT assumes no <br />responsibility or liability for the accuracy of such documents. Any use or reuse of the Records beyond the <br />express purpose for which they were created without CONSULTANT’s written authorization will be at <br />CLIENT’s sole risk, and CLIENT shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CONSULTANT against any and <br />all claims, lawsuits, damages, expenses, penalties, fines, costs or other liabilities arising out of or resulting from <br />such use. <br /> <br />7. Opinion of Cost: CONSULTANT cannot and does not guarantee the proposals, bids or actual costs <br />will not vary significantly from opinions of probable cost prepared by it. If at any time CLIENT wishes greater <br />assurances as to the amount of any cost, CLIENT shall employ an independent cost estimator to make such <br />determination. <br /> <br />8. Change Orders: CONSULTANT will treat as a change order any written or oral order (including <br />directions, instructions, interpretations or determinations) from CLIENT which request changes in the Services. <br />CONSULTANT will give CLIENT written notice within ten (10) days of the change order of any resulting <br />increase in fee. Unless CLIENT objects in writing within five (5) days, the change order becomes a part of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 437AC891-1630-4C22-8920-E7036A47B583