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Payment Terms <br />Payment Terms Acceptance Agreement <br />The total price of:$23,791.10 and the estimated return on investment are based on the items outlined in this <br />proposal.ANY STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN REGARDING SAVINGS THAT MAY BE ACHIEVED BY IMPLEMENTING <br />THE SERVICES OFFERED IN THIS PROPOSAL ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR <br />IMPLIED, SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO ARISE FROM SUCH STATEMENTS, NOR SHALL SUCH STATEMENTS BE <br />CONSTRUED AS CONSTITUTING A GUARANTEE BY SIEMENS THAT SUCH SAVINGS WILL OCCUR IF THE <br />SERVICES ARE IMPLEMENTED. <br />The Buyer acknowledges that when accepted by the Buyer as proposed by Siemens Industry, Inc., this <br />Proposal and the Siemens RAM Projects Business Standard Terms and Conditions, (together with any other <br />documents, including any applicable Rider(s), incorporated herein) shall constitute the entire agreement of <br />the parties with respect to its subject matter.BY EXECUTION HEREOF, THE SIGNER CERTIFIES THAT (S)HE HAS <br />READ ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND DOCUMENTS, THAT SIEMENS OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES <br />HAVE MADE NO AGREEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS EXCEPT AS SET FORTH THEREIN, AND THAT (S)HE IS <br />DULY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SIGNATURE PAGE ON BEHALF OF THE BUYER. <br />Proposal is valid for thirty (30) days from the delivery date of March 07, 2024. Payment is due within 30 <br />days of invoice date. <br />Payment Terms: 25% mobilization in advance, progress payments <br />Total:$23,791.10 <br />Siemens Industry, Inc. invoices paid by credit card may be subject to a surcharge of up to 2%. <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F1274CE7-87E2-472B-80D7-92EE123F3A5E