2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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| Statement of Work | Traverse Implementation Project <br />| Work Activities Work Activities 9 <br />ETL Review <br />Once ETL testing is completed, Northwoods will conduct an ETL review with Orange CSS. During the ETL review, <br />Northwoods will walk through the data within Traverse, verifying that all case, client, and organization data is <br />mapped to the appropriate fields within Traverse. <br />Following the completion of the ETL review, Northwoods will be responsible for initiating the approved ETL <br />process(es) as documented in the Solution Design Document project deliverable. <br />Once the ETL review is successfully completed and approved, the baseline ETL configuration will be placed <br />under configuration management and serve as a reference point for future ETL changes. <br />Baseline categories include: <br />• Preliminary ETL Baseline (changes moderately controlled): Establishes the benchmark ETL <br />configuration once the Solution Design Document deliverable is approved. <br />• Production Baseline (changes strictly controlled or controlled by change order): Reflects a <br />completed, client-accepted system that is ready for the production release. <br />Training and Implementation Support <br />Northwoods will provide Orange CSS staff with training and implementation support during the limited <br />production (LP) phase of the project. Upon completion of the LP training and implementation support, <br />Northwoods will deliver end-user training while Orange CSS training staff will deliver implementation support <br />during the full production (FP) phase of the project. Training and implementation support ensure that an <br />agency’s workers know how to use Traverse, allowing the agency to minimize disruption to daily workloads as <br />Traverse goes live. <br />Training <br />Training activities associated with this project are described in detail in the following subsections. <br />Solution Demonstration <br />The first training step is a solution demonstration that shows workers how they will complete day-to-day <br />responsibilities using Traverse. During the initial solution demonstration, the Northwoods project team provides <br />a high-level demonstration of Traverse to Orange CSS, providing Orange CSS workers with an overview of their <br />soon-to-be-implemented solution. This demonstration serves as a worker’s first exposure to the new solution, <br />generating excitement for Traverse while laying the groundwork for a successful project. <br />Web-Based Training <br />Following the solution demonstration, Orange CSS workers will view web-based training videos to gain a deeper <br />understanding of the features of Traverse. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: D7D212FB-FBC9-4D6C-91D3-137CA2E41E22
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