2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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4/8/2024 1:30:14 PM
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4/8/2024 1:29:36 PM
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| Statement of Work | Traverse Implementation Project <br />| Work Activities Work Activities 6 <br />Electronic Forms Design <br />Electronic Forms Design consists of all activities required for the Northwoods forms designers to convert up to <br />a maximum of 50 existing paper-based and electronic forms into a user-friendly format during the course of <br />the project. Please note that after project closure, regardless of the number of forms actually converted, any <br />requests for additional electronic forms conversions that were not identified during the project are considered <br />out of scope and will be subject to additional fees.2 <br />Northwoods uses a forms design process that allows forms designers to create electronic forms that an agency <br />uses every day. Northwoods will start the form design process by holding discovery sessions with Orange CSS <br />SMEs to ensure appropriate agency forms are selected. <br />Following discovery sessions, Northwoods forms designers will create an electronic template for each form <br />provided by Orange CSS SMEs. Northwoods forms designers will then add form fields to the template— <br />including, but not limited to, text fields, checkboxes, drop-down lists, and signature fields—based on Orange <br />CSS’s existing paper or electronic forms. Northwoods will also add form fields, based on the design request of <br />Orange CSS, that can be configured as required fields or autofilled with a case, client, and/or service provider’s <br />information. <br />Client Hardware Deployment <br />Client Hardware Deployment includes the recommended Orange CSS activities necessary to make its client- <br />side hardware available for agency use. Orange CSS will take inventory of and order client hardware to ensure <br />that it is available for deployment to Traverse end users. <br />Required client-side hardware includes the following3: <br />• Desktop scanners (one Ricoh fi-8170 Desktop Scanner is recommended per unit) <br />• One of the following types of tablets or phones, if necessary: <br />o Apple iPad Wi-Fi and 4G Tablets with iPadOS 16 or greater <br />o Apple iPhone with iOS 16 or greater <br />o Intel©-based Windows Surface devices with Windows 11 or greater <br />o Android phones or tablets with Android 13 or greater <br /> <br />2 Following project completion, Northwoods forms designers will provide Orange CSS with up to 10 hours of forms <br />maintenance per year. Forms maintenance involves creating, updating, and retiring electronic forms in Orange CSS’s forms <br />library. If Orange CSS elects to add additional forms into Traverse, the county will be able to draw upon its forms <br />maintenance hours when engaging Northwoods. Any additional electronic forms design and/or maintenance beyond the <br />allocated hours will require a separate work order subject to additional fees. <br />3 While Traverse requires the hardware listed in this SOW at the time of writing, the Traverse Technical Requirements <br />document contains up-to-date hardware versions required for Traverse to function correctly. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: D7D212FB-FBC9-4D6C-91D3-137CA2E41E22
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