2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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2024-159-E-Child Support Svc-Northwoods Consulting Partners- Child Support Services
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4/8/2024 1:30:14 PM
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4/8/2024 1:29:36 PM
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| Statement of Work | Traverse Implementation Project <br />| Work Activities Work Activities 5 <br />o Determine the relative priority of decisions <br />• Work Breakdowns, Schedules, Milestones <br />o Assign work activities and target completion dates required for the project team <br />o Review and approve task updates for the project team <br />o Adjust the Baseline Project Schedule and/or reassign resources as necessary <br />For additional details around the Northwoods Project Manager’s role, as well as the roles that make up the <br />Northwoods project team, please refer to “Northwoods Project Team Roles” on page 2. <br />Business Process Review <br />Business Process Review consists of all activities required for Orange CSS SMEs to review existing business <br />processes and how those business processes will change. <br />During the course of the project, the Northwoods project team meets with the Orange CSS SMEs to review <br />Traverse—specifically functionality related to the Traverse web application, Traverse forms, and the Traverse <br />mobile application—and discuss potential business process changes. Orange CSS SMEs, composed of <br />representatives from different roles within the agency, will be asked to review how existing processes will be <br />affected by Traverse, changes that will help workers realize the most benefits from Traverse, and any other <br />decisions that may affect business processes. <br />Following each business process review meeting, Orange CSS SMEs evaluate any necessary business process <br />changes related to the use of Traverse. The Orange CSS SMEs document the current business process, how the <br />business process will change when using Traverse, and any other considerations that Orange CSS should <br />consider when implementing the business process change. <br />Taxonomy Development <br />Northwoods will assist Orange CSS in developing a custom content taxonomy—the organizational structure for <br />electronic content in Traverse—which involves Northwoods working with Orange CSS SMEs as they create the <br />agency’s taxonomy. <br />Specifically, Northwoods will: <br />1. Explain the taxonomy and its purpose as well as demonstrate an example of a taxonomy in Traverse. <br />2. Provide consultation and assistance to Orange CSS as they begin creating the taxonomy, <br />demonstrating how Orange CSS may build the taxonomy according to Orange CSS case file examples. <br />Following the completion of the taxonomy’s design, Orange CSS will be responsible for adopting a day-forward <br />approach towards its taxonomy. Orange CSS staff will meet periodically to evaluate the taxonomy’s use and <br />make any necessary adjustments in structure and/or communication to ensure Orange CSS’s needs are met. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: D7D212FB-FBC9-4D6C-91D3-137CA2E41E22
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