Orange County NC Website
<br />Propos al Provided By :DEC00266795.3 Page 13 <br />Par ticipation Agreement <br />Business Name:Orange County Main Library <br />Address:Po Box 8181, Hillsborough , NC, <br />27278 <br />Duke Energy Customer Name:Orange County <br />Facility Address:137 W Margaret Ln, <br />Hillsborough , NC, 27278 <br />Phone:Fax: (919) 201-6829 <br />E-Mail Address: <br />W illdan Project Number:DEC00266795.3 <br />SU MMARY OF PROPOSAL PU RCHASE PRICE <br />F inal Purchase Price $56,025.31 <br />Proj ect Incentive $19,314.90 <br />Customer Deposi ts $0.00 <br />Customer Bal ance $36,710.41 <br />PAYMENT TERMS <br />Number of Months:1 <br />Monthly Payment Amount:$36,710.41 <br />Discounted Customer Pri ce:$36,710.41 <br />Mon th ly Paymen t Amou n t is approximate. Th e actual Monthly Payment A mou nt will <br />be specified in the F in ancin g A greemen t betw een Participating Cu stomer and Lender <br />PARTICIPATING CU STOMER <br />Signature: <br />[[SertifiSignature_1]] <br />D ate:[[SertifiDate_1]] <br />Print Name:Amy Eck berg <br />Title:Environmental <br />This Participation Agreement constitutes a contract between the <br />individual or entity listed below in the box labelled Participating <br />Customer (the Participating Customer) and Willdan Energy Co. (the <br />"Company" and with the Participating Customer, a "Party" and <br />together the "Parties"). By signing below, the Participating <br />Customer agrees to the applicability of the terms and conditions <br />set forth herein. An updated energy assessment may be required if <br />the proposed scope of work is not accepted and this Participation <br />Agreement executed within 45 days <br />WILLDAN ENERGY CO. <br />Name:Eileen Thorsos <br />Title:Energy Service Representative <br />Address:16810 Kenton D rive, Suite 240 Huntersville, NC <br />28078 <br />Telephone/Fax:(919) 909-9396 / (704) 892-5907 <br /> <br />T he Participating Customer pay s its cost contribution to Willdan Energy Co.("Company") by (check one): <br />CERTIFICATION S TATEMENT Participating Customer certifies that the information provided in this Participation Agreement is true and accurate and that they are financially res ponsible for <br />payment of the Duke Energy bill for the Duke Energy Customer Name and Facility Address referenced above. Participating Customer further certifies that the Meas ures described in this <br />Participation Agreement have or will be installed in the Premises owned by the Participating Customer and the equipment installed will not be removed and resold. The Measures together with <br />all proceeds of the purchas e price (as defined in the Extended Payment Terms and Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein) will be used for commercial and not for consumer <br />household or family purposes. If the Participating Customer does not own the Premises, Participating Customer hereby represents and warrants that it has obtained all necessary consents <br />and authorizations for the Work , including, without limitation, cons ent from the owner of the P remises. Participating Customer shall solely be liable for the Work done at the Premises, whether <br />or not owned by Participating Cus tomer, and the Company shall look solely to Participating Customer and not the owner of the Premises , for performance of Participating Customer's <br />obligations hereunder. Participating Customer acknowledges that the rights in this Participation Agreement shall be binding upon Participating Customer's successors and permitted assigns. <br />Participating Cus tomer agrees to incorporate this Participation Agreement by reference in leases, sales contracts, or other similar documents relating to the end use and owners hip of the <br />Premises. <br />Lump Sum Payment . Initial Pay ment of $0.00 upon signing this Partic ipation Agreement, with the remaining balanc e of $36,710.41 paid upon <br />completion of the Work. <br />12 Payments. Partic ipating Customer pay ments over time will be made in acc ordance with the Financ ing Agreement between the Participating <br />Cus tomer and the National Energy Improv ement Fund (the "Lender"). <br />24 Payments. Partic ipating Customer pay ments over time will be made in acc ordance with the Financ ing Agreement between the Participating <br />Cus tomer and the National Energy Improv ement Fund (the "Lender"). <br />36 Payments. Partic ipating Customer pay ments over time will be made in acc ordance with the Financ ing Agreement between the Participating <br />Cus tomer and the National Energy Improv ement Fund (the "Lender"). <br />48 Payments. Partic ipating Customer pay ments over time will be made in acc ordance with the Financ ing Agreement between the Participating <br />Cus tomer and the National Energy Improv ement Fund (the "Lender"). <br />60 Payments. Partic ipating Customer pay ments over time will be made in acc ordance with the Financ ing Agreement between the Participating <br />Cus tomer and the National Energy Improv ement Fund (the "Lender"). <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7F5F7D60-7E4E-427B-ABCA-5E4E9A07FB4E