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<br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />ANALYSIS - ADDENDUM B -ITEM 1. B. PARI{ING SPACES FOR I31GH SCHOOLS <br />The High School standards of par]<ing for one third the capacity ofthe school, do not <br />specifically address the mix of student, teacher and visitor parking. So the parking space <br />allocation of one third (rounded to .35%) of rated student capacity, could be designated for <br />specific use of the school board. <br />In the case of Chapel Hill/C,arrbot°o High School No..3, the 35% ofPhase I total capacity <br />would produce 280 parking spaces to be allocated for a specific use by the School District. This <br />is approximately 80% of the preliminary request of 350 spaces. <br />The Board of County Conunissioners may consider adding the faculty/visitor parking <br />(48 spaces-12% ofcapacity) of the Phase II 400 capacity increase into Phase I for cmrstruction <br />efficiency. This is similar to what Cedar Ridge High School did in Phase L If this system of <br />parking allocation is used, then the Phase I result would be about .328 spaces - to be determined <br />for use by the School District. Using the informal use allocation formula, 184 would be for <br />students and 144 would be available for faculty and visitors for a total of 328. Phase II would <br />then only increase student parking by 92 spaces for abuild-out total of 420 spaces or <br />approximately 18..4% less than requested (i.e., 515 spaces). <br />3~ <br /> <br />