Orange County NC Website
Cy Stober <br />Orange County Planning and Inspections Department <br />Letter Agreement for Services <br />Greene Tract <br />20 November 2023 <br />Page 2 <br />_______ CLIENT’S INITIALS <br />_______ CONSULTANT’S INITIALS <br />Connectivity Framework <br />Lump Sum $ 14,000.00 <br />Reimbursable Expenses <br />Allowance $ 5,000.00 <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The Greene Tract is approximately 61 acre at the end of Purefoy Road, Chapel Hill, NC). It is our <br />understanding that the project will consist of project coordination, research, analysis, Master <br />Planning and coordination with the Public Engagement Consultant to work with the local <br />community and present to the governing bodies. Based on the conceptual nature of the <br />project, the following assumptions have been made in the preparation of this proposal. If these <br />assumptions are determined to be incorrect, additional services will be warranted. <br />•It is assumed that no surveying exists, nor is included in this proposal. <br />•All mapping will be based on existing available GIS Data. <br />•The scope of work will not include detailed Site Design, Site Plan Approvals. Rezonings or <br />Use Permits, Site Engineering Construction Drawings, or any other Permitting for local <br />regulatory agencies. <br />•Stormwater analyses are not included, but conceptual locations will be considered in the <br />Master Planning. <br />•The proposal assumes that the Client will appoint a single point of contact for <br />Client/Consultant communication on this project. . <br />We propose to therefore provide the follow services: <br />1.Project Coordination and Management <br />•Lead and manage the project and identify one lead staff person as a direct point <br />of contact for local government staff. <br />•Provide biweekly updates to local government staff (two per month). Updates may <br />be provided virtually <br />•Coordinate and meet with specialized staff and planning partners, including, but <br />not limited to, environmental, engineering, planning, transportation, housing, <br />Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Solid Waste, and the Orange County <br />Affordable Housing Coalition. <br />•Attend meetings with other entities prescribed by Orange County, which may <br />include elected officials, community members, and non-profit housing providers <br />•Prepare a detailed work plan and a schedule for accomplishing the entire scope <br />of work including major milestones, check-ins with the local governments, and <br />decision points. <br />•Prepare necessary data collection, maps, graphics, and exhibits. Orange County, <br />the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro will become the owners of these <br />documents at the end of the process. The consultant will furnish finished documents <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 491C69DD-387B-4A30-98D9-290E2C7F0ECD