Orange County NC Website
• At the October 18 Board meeting, the Board approved an Energy Conservation Manager <br />appointment and the search is now underway for an employee to assume these <br />responsibilities. <br />• At November 15 Board meeting, staff will present for the Board's consideration a draft <br />Energy Conservation Policy designed to reduce energy consumption in County government <br />facilities and improve energy efficiency both as a cost savings measure and to protect the <br />environment. <br />• Also at the November 15 Board meeting, staff will present a report on County building <br />energy costs, energy consumption and possible performance measures for tracking <br />progress. <br />• At the December 5 Board meeting, staff will present a draft vehicle energy conservation <br />policy for the Board's consideration to address the need to promote fuel efficiency and fuel <br />cost savings. <br />• Also at the December 5 Board meeting, staff will present a report on vehicle fuel casts, <br />consumption and possible performance measures for tracking progress. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact of adopting the Environmental Responsibility <br />Goal. The action strategies that would be created to implement the goal may have financial <br />impacts that are not yet known. In terms of the energy conservation initiative, a primary <br />consideration is to reduce energy costs and/or mitigate energy cost increases. Costs <br />associated with specific equipment, system improvement or system replacement will be <br />addressed through the Capital Improvement Plan process. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss and adopt the <br />attached draft Environmental Responsibility Goal, with changes as desired. <br />