Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Development Ordinance contains a flowchart depicting the review process for rezoning and text <br /> amendment applications. <br /> Planning Board Member Potential Conflict of Interest <br /> It is the duty of every Board member to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict. <br /> Board members having any conflicts of interest or appearances of conflict with respect to matters <br /> before the Board should identify the conflict or appearance of conflict and refrain from undue <br /> participation in the matter involved. <br /> As a reminder, NC General Statute § 160D-109 establishes the following standard: Members of <br /> appointed boards shall not vote on any advisory or legislative decision regarding a development <br /> regulation where the outcome of the matter being considered is reasonably likely to have a direct, <br /> substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the member. An appointed board member <br /> shall not vote on any zoning amendment if the landowner of the property subject to a rezoning <br /> petition or the applicant for a text amendment is a person with whom the member has a close <br /> familial, business, or other associational relationship. <br /> If any Planning Board member has any concern about a possible conflict related to an agenda <br /> item, please notify Planning staff and get in touch directly with a member of the County Attorney's <br /> staff before the meeting time to determine whether a conflict exists— and if so, how best to handle <br /> the potential conflict. <br />