4-3-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
4-3-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
4/3/2024 4:53:29 PM
Creation date
4/3/2024 4:46:03 PM
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Regular Meeting
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4_3_24 Planning Board Minutes
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18 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 597 Perdita Holtz: That is correct. <br /> 598 <br /> 599 Chair Beeman: So, first class rate for however many notifications you're going to send, that's expensive, at <br /> 600 some point, that burden becomes too much, and they'll certainly be at the state house. <br /> 601 <br /> 602 Cy Stober: And, Mr. Chair,that has been the informal conversation we've had with our staff is the applicant <br /> 603 has a legal responsibility to notify everyone who could possibly be affected by a special use permit or a zoning <br /> 604 case that's tied to a property. When does that threshold end? When are they simply notifying folks? Because <br /> 605 the county wants them to, not because they're individuals who'll be directly affected by a change in use on a <br /> 606 property. That's kind of been the key takeaway. <br /> 607 <br /> 608 Steve Kaufmann: I remember we had a conversation about this last year. When the signs were brought <br /> 609 up about the quality of the signs, and it was mentioned that they're going to improve, did that happen? <br /> 610 <br /> 611 Cy Stober: Yes. And, I don't know when that was when Ashley came and we went through the website, but our <br /> 612 social media presence,our website presence are,we use X,we use Facebook,we are getting the word out there <br /> 613 in so many more ways than we were before. We have a new newsletter and that is more interactive and <br /> 614 integrative with social media. There are so many more resources that we have that use contemporary <br /> 615 technology and practices. So, yes, we have better signs that we put physically out there in the world that are <br /> 616 easier to see and to maintain, and we're always looking to improve, so please give us feedback if you think of a <br /> 617 way that we could make things a little bit better, but we are, I think, leaps and bounds beyond where we were a <br /> 618 year ago in terms, particularly our online presence and notifying folks through social media and email. <br /> 619 <br /> 620 Adam Beeman: I would say since my time on this planning board for 7 years that the county has made huge <br /> 621 strides in trying to educate the public, notify the public, and engage the public. Public doesn't necessarily want to <br /> 622 be engaged, but they demand, so they're doing their best. I assure you it's a heck of a lot better than it ever used <br /> 623 to be. So, have faith that they are trying to move in the right direction. And also, last thing, tonight is Melissa's <br /> 624 last night. She's rotating off. This is her last night, so I thank you for your service on the board, and we <br /> 625 appreciate your time. <br /> 626 <br /> 627 AGENDA ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 628 <br /> 629 MOTION BY Melissa Poole to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Lamar Proctor. <br /> 630 <br /> 631 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> 632 <br /> 633 The meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM. <br />
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