Orange County NC Website
23 <br /> (3) In addition, the ability of different areas of the County to attract and <br /> accommodate different types of development depends on the capacity of the <br /> thoroughfare system and the character and quality of development along major <br /> corridors. <br /> (C) The Major Transportation Corridor district is intended to enhance the attractiveness and <br /> orderly development of land adjacent to major transportation facilities through the <br /> provision of a set of development standards and regulations for application to public and <br /> private development of land adjacent to these corridors. The major transportation <br /> corridors include the interstate system as designated in the adopted Comprehensive <br /> Plan. <br /> (D) The district establishes development standards (see Section 6.6.4) and a site plan review <br /> process for development within the district. (See Section 2.5). <br /> 4.6.2 Applicability <br /> (A) The Major Transportation Corridor(MTC) district is established as a district which <br /> overlays other zoning districts established in this Ordinance. The new use of any land or <br /> any new structure within the MTC district shall comply with the use regulations applicable <br /> to the underlying zoning district as well as the requirements of the MTC district. <br /> (B) The provisions, requirements and restrictions of this district shall not apply to the use of <br /> land within the district for structures regulated by the NC Residential Building Code&ege <br /> family or two family dwellings or to any building or structure existing prior to the creation <br /> of this district unless it is structurally altered to the extent of increasing the floor area by <br /> 50% or more or is enlarged to any degree to occupy a vacant lot. <br /> (C) This district shall be applied along any interstate highway in the County designated in the <br /> adopted Comprehensive Plan as such and to any proposed interstate highway <br /> designated in the adopted Comprehensive Plan as such. <br /> (D) The minimum length of the district shall be a continuous distance along the thoroughfare <br /> within the County's jurisdiction and outside of the extraterritorial planning jurisdictions of <br /> the Towns of Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro and the City of Mebane. <br /> (E) The minimum width of the district is 1,250 feet from the edge of the right-of-way <br /> measured along a line which is perpendicular to the edge of the right-of-way on each side <br /> of the roadway, except at interstate interchanges where the District shall extend 2,500 <br /> feet from the right-of-way on each side of the intersecting road. <br /> 4.6.3 Permitted Uses <br /> Within the Major Transportation Corridor(MTC) District, uses of land and structures are those <br /> permitted in the underlying zoning district or districts. All other requirements for the use of land <br /> and structures contained in this Ordinance shall be met unless otherwise provided. <br /> 4.6.4 Building Setback and Yard Requirements <br /> Building setback and required yard areas for the overlay district are as follows: <br /> (A) The front yard requirement shall be 100 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an <br /> interstate highway or 50 feet from the edge of an intersecting road at an interstate <br /> interchange. <br /> (B) The rear yard requirement shall be 50 feet from the edge of the rear property line or 100 <br /> feet from the edge of the right-of-way of an interstate highway when a rear yard is <br /> adjacent to the interstate. <br /> (C) The side yard requirement shall be 50 feet from the side property line or 100 feet from the <br /> edge of the right-of-way of an interstate highway where the side property line is adjacent <br /> to the interstate. <br />