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( 4) The Board projects that repaying the bonds and related interest will <br /> require a property tax increase of approximately 3 . 41 cents per $ 100 of valuation <br /> over the next three County fiscal years . The Board finds that the expected tax rate <br /> impact is reasonable under the circumstances . <br /> The actual tax effect will depend on the final amount financed, the stages in <br /> which the bonds are issued, the length of the repayment period, the actual interest <br /> rates on the bonds when sold and the growth in the County' s tax base over time . The <br /> County will work to minimize the tax rate impact in a manner consistent with moving <br /> ahead with school projects and addressing other County needs . <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as follows : <br /> ( a) The Board directs the County Manager and the Finance Officer to <br /> proceed with the authorization of the referendum, including proceeding with an <br /> application to the LGC for its approval of the proposed bonds . The Board appoints the <br /> Finance Officer as the County' s authorized representative with respect to the LGC <br /> application process . <br /> (b ) The Board directs the County Manager, in collaboration with the Board <br /> Clerk, to publish a notice of the County' s intent to apply to the LGC for approval of the <br /> bonds . This notice must be in the form prescribed by statute and consistent with this <br /> resolution . <br /> ( c) The Board authorizes all County representatives to take all further <br /> action as they may consider desirable for accomplishing the purposes and intentions <br /> of this resolution . The Board ratifies all prior actions of County representatives in this <br /> regard . This resolution takes effect immediately. <br /> 17 y� <br />