Orange County NC Website
Easement and agriculture and forestry uses of the Easement Area . Enterprises which market <br /> etroleum or chemical products are prohibited . <br /> " ouris " shall be broadly defined to mean <br /> For purposes herein, the term Ecot m y <br /> � ism and activities that are carried out in a relatively undisturbed natural area that serves as a <br /> tdell or the education, appreciation, and promotion of natural and cultural heritage that has <br /> miM I negative impacts on the environment and farming resources of the Property and <br /> proFtg P g <br /> es conservation and best management practices and provides constructive ongoing <br /> contribpti' ns to and for the local community . <br /> 0 The term "Agritourism" shall be broadly defined to mean those farming activities <br /> and traditi\ad <br /> activities that are carried out on any agricultural location, including <br /> horticulturibusiness operations , that allow members of the general public , for <br /> recreationnment, active involvement, or educational purposes , to view or enjoy rural <br /> activities , farming , ranching , historic , cultural , harvest-your- own activities , or natural <br /> activities aons , or " Special Events " as defined herein, that have minimal negative <br /> impacts upon the environment and the Conservation Values of the Protected Property and are <br /> limited to "de minimis " access to and uses of the Property . An activity is an agritourism activity <br /> whether or not the partici ant paid to participate in the activity . <br /> The term ecial Events " shall be broadly defined to mean a one -time or <br /> infrequently occurring ev 0outside normal "Agritourism " programs or activities that provides <br /> for a leisure , social or cultur. xperience outside the normal range of agritourism choices or I <br /> beyond the everyday agncult experience such as but not limited to : seasonal festivals , harvest <br /> celebrations , field days , square\ances and the like . In no event shall " Special Events " exist in a <br /> manner that negatively impacts t& Conservation Values , <br /> 246 Timber Harve Pursuant to a forest management plan prepared by the <br /> North Carolina Forest Service or a North Carolina Registered Forester and approved by the <br /> Grantees , trees may be removed, cut an6herwise managed so long as the trees are outside of <br /> the NCLWF Easement marked on the ReQded Plat, and referenced in Exhibit B . The trees <br /> within the NCLWF Easement are subject t e terms of the NCLWF Easement , <br /> 2 . 7 Recreational Use . Cons nt with the purpose of and the limitations r <br /> contained in this Conservation Easement, Grant hall have the right to engage in and permit <br /> others , whether or not for consideration, to engag recreational uses of the Property , including, <br /> but not limited to hiking, camping , picnicking , and other recreational uses that require no <br /> P g , P g � q <br /> buildings , facilities , surface alteration or other development of the land so long as authorized by <br /> Orange County zoning regulations and consistent with pe its required by and issued by Orange <br /> County under its laws and ordinances . Pursuit of wildli any form of motorized <br /> transportation is not allowed . Grantors may also construct d maintain fences , horse trails , foot <br /> trails , and or non-motorized vehicle trails incidental to such oses and may lease or license <br /> any portion of the Property for such recreational purposes . G a r reserves the right to <br /> promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for al ?tivities incident to recreational <br /> use of the Property , including but not limited to the right to prohi any recreational use that <br /> would permit destruction of other significant conservation value offhe Property . <br /> Page 9 of 25 <br /> 0 <br />