<br /> 2 . 4 Agricultural Use . Grantors retain the right to farm , or to permit others to farm the
<br /> roperty for agricultural production, in accordance with applicable local , state and federal laws
<br /> ` ,= g
<br /> d regulations .
<br /> \ ' Subject to the terms of this Conservation Easement, farming , grazing , horticultural and
<br /> an Pal husbandry operations are permitted only if conducted consistent with Best Management
<br /> Prac`ces promulgated by the State of North Carolina .
<br /> used herein, "agricultural production" means any use consistent with the definitions
<br /> contain North Carolina General Statute § 106 - 581 . 1 , including but not limited to the
<br /> production, ocessing, storage, or retail marketing of crops, livestock and livestock products .
<br /> For purposes rein, crops , livestock and livestock products include, but are not limited to :
<br /> a Field cr0 , including corn, soybeans , small grains , hay , potatoes , cotton , tobacco , herbs ,
<br /> dry beans ; �
<br /> b) Fruits , including apples , peaches , grapes , cherries , nuts , and berries ;
<br /> c) Vegetables, including lettuce , tomatoes , snap beans, cabbage, carrots , beets , onions ,
<br /> mushrooms ;
<br /> d) Horticultural sp� lties , seeds, Christmas trees , flowers ; provided that sod and other
<br /> crops where soil i oved from the Property are prohibited ;
<br /> e) Livestock and lives products, including dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep swine, goats ,
<br /> horses poultry , bees' and other i r d p ry , , ��k er da ry p o ucts , eggs , honey .
<br /> Agricultural uses are prohibited within the NCLVVF Easement identified and marked on
<br /> the Recorded Plat for this ConservVilon Easement and on Exhibit B , the original of which will
<br /> be included in the Baseline DocumI; ion Report .
<br /> 2 . 5 Rijaht to Use the Pmi) ertv for Custorriga Rural Enterprises . Grantor
<br /> retains the right to use the Property , for o6rwise lawful and customary rural enterprises , such
<br /> as, but not limited to, farm machinery repaI sawmills, firewood distribution, for nature and
<br /> historic tours , equestrian activities , and othepa sive or "Ecotourism" , "Agritourism" and
<br /> " Special Events" as defined herein, education rograms or farm meetings and like activities , so
<br /> long as such activities are consistent with Oran ounty zoning regulations and permits
<br /> required b and issued b Oran e Coun under ws and ordinances as the exist now and a
<br /> q Y Y g tY � y t s
<br /> they may be amended from time to time , and are c nducted outdoors or in buildings otherwise
<br /> permitted under this Conservation Easement in a manner that is consistent with the conservation
<br /> purposes of this Conservation Easement . Any structures required for permitted purposes shall be
<br /> located only within the Farmstead Areas identified on thEoecorded Plat for this Conservation
<br /> Easement. Any permanent or temporary structure or otherise addition to the impervious
<br /> surface shall not cause the total impervious surface restrictiS of the Easement Area to exceed
<br /> two percent . For the purposes of this easement, gravel and di^r ads shall not be included as
<br /> impervious area .
<br /> Grantor has the right to establish and carry out cus Wary rural enterprises
<br /> provided said activities are compatible with the Conservation PurpkA6s of this Conservation
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