municipal laws , rules , orders , regulations , statutes , ordinances , codes , guidelines , policies or
<br /> equirements of any governmental authority regulating or imposing standards of liability or
<br /> andards of conduct (including common law) concerning air, water, solid waste, hazardous
<br /> terials , worker and community right-to ,know, hazard communication noise , radioactive
<br /> n erial , resource protection, subdivision, inland wetlands and watercourses , health protection
<br /> an( imilar environmental health safety , building and land use as may now or at any time
<br /> � � � g
<br /> hereeer be in effect .
<br /> azardous Materials" means any petroleum , petroleum products , fuel oil , waste oils ,
<br /> explosiv eactive materials , ignitable materials , corrosive materials , hazardous chemicals ,
<br /> hazardous stes , hazardous substances , extremely hazardous substances , toxic substances , toxic
<br /> chemicals , r active materials, infectious materials and any other element, compound, mixture ,
<br /> solution or su mce which may pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the
<br /> environment .
<br /> 18 . SEVERABILITY . If any provision of this Conservation Easement is found to be
<br /> invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be altered thereby .
<br /> 19 . PARTI,� Every provision of this Conservation Easement that applies to the
<br /> Grantor or Grantees shall o apply to their respective heirs , executors , administrators , assigns ,
<br /> and all other successors as interest may appear. This Conservation Easement shall not be
<br /> construed to benefit or to cre4 Wy rights in any third parties , including but not limited to the
<br /> general public except as expreN ;k provided herein .
<br /> 0
<br /> 24 . RE-RECORDING In order to ensure the perpetual enforceability of the
<br /> Conservation Easement, the Grante4 a e authorized to re-record this instrument or any other
<br /> appropriate notice or instrument .
<br /> 21 . MERGER. The parties a e that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall
<br /> survive any merger of the fee and easementerest in the Property .
<br /> 22 . SUBSEQUENT LIENS ON E PROPERTY . No provisions of this
<br /> Conservation Easement should be construed as ftairing the ability of Grantor to use the
<br /> Property as collateral for subsequent borrowing , W9 ided that any mortgage or lien arising from
<br /> such a borrowing is made subordinate to this ConsVrvation Easement.
<br /> 24 . ENTIRE AGREEMENT . This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the
<br /> parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and s&sedes all prior discussions ,
<br /> negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to thet onservation Easement . If any
<br /> provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the proviQns of this Conservation Easement,
<br /> and the application of such provision to persons or circumstv&s other than those as to which it
<br /> is found to be invalid , shall not be affected thereby . `A
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