Orange County NC Website
l.� <br /> 2 . 13 Water Rights , Qualily_ and Drainage Patterns . There shall be no pollution <br /> wf surface water, natural water courses , lakes , ponds , marshes , subsurface water or any other <br /> ` Ywater bodies , nor shall activities be conducted on the Property that would be detrimental to water <br /> ity or, except as specified herein, that could alter the natural water level or flow in or over the <br /> ' erty . Grantor shall retain the right, consistent with federal, State and local laws and <br /> reAOations , to use any appurtenant water rights sufficient to maintain the agricultural <br /> prodetivity of the Property and the gardens surrounding the historic structures . Grantor shall not <br /> transfe %, nmber, lease , sell or otherwise separate such water rights from title to the Property <br /> itself. e shall be no other alteration, depletion of surface water, natural water courses , <br /> lakes , pmarshes , subsurface water or any other water bodies on the Property . Diking , <br /> draining or removal of wetlands is prohibited . <br /> (jl 4 Natural Resource Restoration and Enhancement Activities . Grantor may <br /> engage or contra others to engage in any activity designed to repair, restore , or otherwise <br /> enhance the natur�rresources found or once present on the Easement Area, such as the <br /> restoration of the riparian forest corridors , so long as such activities are consistent with the <br /> Conservation Values of this Conservation Easement and consistent with a management plan <br /> prepared for this properttvand approved in advance by the Grantee . <br /> C� <br /> 2 . 15 Si e . No signs or billboards or other advertising displays are allowed <br /> on the Property except as fo s : signs authorized by Orange County zoning regulations whose <br /> placement, number and design not significantly diminish the scenic character of the Property <br /> may be displayed to identify tra 9 and the conservation values of the Property , to identify the <br /> name and address of the Propertond the names of persons living on the Property , to give <br /> directions , to advertise or regulate rmitted uses on the Property and proscribe rules and <br /> regulations for recreational use of tivrespassers , <br /> otected Property , to advertise the Property for sale or <br /> rent , and to post the Property against <br /> 2 . 16 No Biocides . TherE Yhall be no use of pesticides or blocides , including but <br /> not limited to insecticides , fungicides , rodeocides , and herbicides , except as approved by <br /> Grantee to control invasive species detriment$ to the conservation values of the Property , and <br /> except as needed around improvements on th�' iroperty and in agricultural fields . <br /> 2 . 17 No Dumping . There shallYher <br /> o storage or dumping of trash, garbage , <br /> abandoned vehicles , appliances , or machinery , or unsightly or offensive material , <br /> hazardous substance, or toxic waste on the Property (except the short-term storage of household <br /> garbage and waste) . There shall be no changing of the topography through the placing of soil or <br /> other substance or material such as land fill or dredging �ls , nor shall activities be conducted <br /> on the Property or on adjacent property owned by Grantor hat could cause erosion or siltation <br /> on the Property . O <br /> 2 . 18 Predator Control . Grantors shall have tP Bright to control , destroy , or trap <br /> predatory and problem animals that pose a material threat to liv6el ck and/or humans by means <br /> VA <br /> < y <br /> Y, <br /> Page 11 of 25 <br /> �,h <br />