Orange County NC Website
l� <br /> 2 . 8 New Trails . Grantor reserves the right to construct and maintain new <br /> ttural surface trails for the purpose of hiking . It is hereby noted that the NC Mountains -to - Sea <br /> ail corridor is located within the NCLWF Easement is expressly allowed according to Article <br /> I . of that easement. All tra <br /> to ' Is must be located a minimum distance of fifty 54 feet from the <br /> t ) <br /> jof the bank of all surface water, unless such locations are physically impracticable , and must <br /> be l�ted so as not to impair the Conservation Values . When required by the terrain, trails may <br /> include ardwalks , ramps , and handrails to the extent necessary . Trails may include stream <br /> cross0 p to 6 feet wide, provided they are permitted by all applicable regulatory authorities . <br /> All nece care shall be taken to construct and maintain trails in a manner so as not to impair <br /> any Conse tion Values either during or after construction . Orange County shall have the <br /> authority to ee�.uire the closure of any trail that is detrimental to any Conservation Values . <br /> Trail and Recreational Accessories . Grantor and Grantees, with Grantor ' s <br /> written permissioi�inay construct and maintain park benches, litter receptacles , and directional , <br /> educational , and informational signs along existing trails and approved new trails . All necessary <br /> care shall be taken to construct and maintain trail and recreational accessories in a manner so as <br /> not to impair any Conse ation Values either during or after construction . Grantees shall have <br /> the authority to require removal of any trail or recreational accessory that is detrimental to <br /> any Conservation Values . 0 <br /> 2 . 10 Educat k 1 Use . Grantor reserves the right to engage in and permit <br /> others to engage in educational ages in the Easement Area not inconsistent with this <br /> Conservation Easement, and the %i ht of access to the Easement Area for such purposes <br /> including organized educational A ivities such as site visits and observations . <br /> 2 . 11 Excavation . TPfere shall be no filling , excavation, dredging , mining or <br /> drilling ; no removal of topsoil , sand, gr01 rock, peat, minerals or other materials ; and no <br /> change in the topography of the land in an manner except as necessary to allow a) the <br /> construction of the improvements allowe ove, b) the maintenance of roads, hiking , horseback <br /> and non-motorized vehicle trails ermitted under, and c the combating erosion <br /> p ) at g on or flooding . <br /> 2 . 12 Destruction of Plants . G tors shall have the right to cut and remove a) <br /> diseased trees , shrubs, or other plants ; b) non-nat ' r invasive trees , shrubs , or other plants ; and <br /> c) to cut firebreaks . Grantors shall also have the ri ht to cut and remove trees , shrubs , or other <br /> plants to accommodate the activities expressly allowed under this Conservation Easement , <br /> ithin agricultural fields , there shall be no additional <br /> Except within the Farmstead Area and w <br /> removal , harvesting, destruction or cutting of native treeeslmbs or other plants . Except for <br /> within the Farmstead Area, use around improvements, in dens , or in the agricultural areas <br /> there shall be no planting of non-native trees , shrubs , or of plants in the Property , and no use <br /> of fertilizers , plowing, introduction of nonnative animals , o�turbance or change in the natural <br /> habitat in any manner . X001 <br /> Page 10 of 25 <br /> Y� <br />