Orange County NC Website
residential and commercial activities of those areas for a more rural location <br /> surrounded by similar uses . <br /> ■ Land Use Overarching Goal : Coordination of the amount, location, pattern, and <br /> designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br /> sufficient to meet the needs .of Orange County's population and economy consistent <br /> with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br /> The application proposes an Agricultural Support Enterprise for an arborist and wood . <br /> processing center within an area surrounded by public or quasi - public uses , including <br /> the actively managed Duke Forest . The tree - related operations are consistent with <br /> both the rural character of this immediate area as well as the more intensive use to <br /> the south of the former county landfill , which is in the Town of Chapel Hill ' s ETJ . <br /> While , by the applicant' s admission , the operations will generate noise pollution and <br /> some odors related to tree processing into wood byproducts , the use is consistent <br /> with the " low- intensity agricultural support" uses allowed in the Rural Buffer by the <br /> Orange County- Chapel Hill - Carrboro Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) Land Use Plan . <br /> The site plan and conditions committed to by the applicant will separate this use from <br /> the properties owned Orange County and proposed for a recreational facility featuring <br /> multiple soccer fields . The combination of the required screening and setbacks with <br /> the natural environmental features of this property and the adjacent ones will <br /> adequately minimize impacts to surrounding properties . <br /> ■ Land Use Goal 2 : Land uses that are appropriate to on -site environmental conditions <br /> and features, and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, and community <br /> character. <br /> The proposed use meets all UDO standards for buffering and screening , as well as <br /> the applicable erosion control and stormwater regulations . It will utilize and improve <br /> an existing access road , creating no new stream crossings , and , in fact , improving the <br /> existing one to minimize runoff into the stream . The arborist will process natural wood <br /> products that can be reused locally for multiple purposes , reducing the need for area <br /> residents to rely upon imported products . The restrictions that exist on the uses of <br /> most of the surrounding properties should ensure that low- intensity agricultural <br /> production of the site will have minimal negative impacts upon natural resources or <br /> residents . <br /> ■ Land Use Goal 3 : A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program and <br /> pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes land <br /> use conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced transportation system . <br /> The proposed arborist and tree processing facility will be placed within the Rural <br /> Buffer , away from residentially- used properties , and within the rural areas of the <br /> county . The neighboring Duke Forest property is , in fact , a site that may be actively <br /> timbered at its owners ' discretion ; and the southern , county- owned property is a <br /> former landfill that is limited in its redevelopment potential . These surrounding <br />