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within the county should occur in a pattern, location, and density that is sustainable <br /> over the long- term . <br /> The proposed ASE - CD zoning district for an arborist and tree - processing center is <br /> consistent with the Rural Buffer Rural Land Use Classification (Appendix F , <br /> Relationships Between Land Use Classifications and Zoning Districts ) . The activity <br /> and impact of this use will be limited to the property , generating low volumes of traffic <br /> and not negatively impacting surrounding properties by its use . It is immediately <br /> outside the Town of Chapel Hill ' s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction ( ETJ ) , emphasizing its <br /> proximity to both municipal and county residents that can utilize this commercial <br /> service while not generating large vehicle miles traveled . Its proximity to municipal <br /> centers while being separated from the residential and commercial uses of those <br /> areas serves the mutual needs of the region without negatively affecting the <br /> surrounding properties . The proposed Agricultural Services Uses is permitted in the <br /> ASE - CD zoning district , complies with the UDO standards except as noted , and <br /> meets the standards of evaluations as reviewed by the Planning Board . <br /> ■ Planning Principle 3A . Encouragement of Energy Efficiency , Lower Energy <br /> Consumption , and the Use of Non - Polluting Renewable Energy Resource : <br /> Decreasing the use of non -renewable resources and lowering energy consumption <br /> are encouraged in both public and private activities. The county's transportation <br /> system should be enhanced to promote more energy efficient modes of travel and <br /> improve air quality. <br /> The applicant will introduce a wood processing and reuse facility within close <br /> proximity to municipal centers where arborist services and tree processing are most <br /> needed . The other options are to otherwise rely upon vendors who travel farther <br /> distances , redistribute by- products to non - local markets , and extract these resources <br /> from Orange County while only contributing immediate services and a higher carbon <br /> footprint . The proposed use supports a local enterprise that can immediately <br /> contribute to the reuse of the related materials and reduce traveled miles to support <br /> the business . <br /> ■ Planning Principle 4 . Natural Area Resource Protection : Protection of the County's <br /> natural areas, including forests, wildlife habitat, and other important open spaces <br /> should be a priority. The County should work with regional and local organizations, <br /> the towns, and private landowners to promote and achieve preservation of the <br /> County's important natural resources. <br /> The applicant provided an Environmental Assessment as part of the application <br /> package . Staff has reviewed and determined no significant environmental impact is <br /> expected from this project based on existing conditions . The project site plan protects <br /> the existing stream on site with provided stream buffering and strives to maintain <br /> existing trees as part of the landscape buffer . <br /> ■ Planning Principle 5 . Preservation of Rural Land Use Pattern : The County's rural <br />