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6 <br /> 6. Advisory board members may not serve concurrently on more than two (2) Orange <br /> County advisory boards. This restriction does not impact an individual's service on <br /> boards and commissions that are not Orange County advisory boards or short term <br /> task forces or work groups. <br /> F. Resignation <br /> 1. If a member wishes to resign,the member shall submit their resignation in writing to <br /> the Chair of the advisory board on which the member serves and the Clerk to the <br /> Board of Orange County Commissioners, noting the effective date of the resignation. <br /> 2. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may recognize the individual's service <br /> via a letter or certificate. <br /> 3. An announcement of the open seat will be made at the time the resignation becomes <br /> effective. <br /> G. Vacancies <br /> 1. Upon the expiration of the term of service of members or should a vacancy otherwise <br /> occur, the Orange County Board of Commissioners shall have the responsibility of <br /> selecting and appointing new members to the advisory board. <br /> 2. Should any vacancy for which there is a board specific requirement that such <br /> vacancy be filled by a nominee of a municipal corporation or a resident of a specific <br /> Orange County township remain unfilled for six (6) consecutive months the board <br /> specific requirements may be set aside and the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners may fill the vacancy with any applicant otherwise qualified to serve. <br /> H. Removal <br /> 1. Members of Orange County's advisory boards serve at the pleasure of the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners and may be removed for any reason or no reason <br /> with or without cause upon a majority vote. <br /> 2. Members of Orange County's advisory boards are expected to abide by the highest <br /> ethical and professional standards. <br /> 3. In addition to Section III(H)(1) above, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> shall remove any member of an advisory board for neglect of duty, nonparticipation <br /> that becomes problematic to the advisory board's functioning and purpose. Neglect <br /> of duty and nonparticipation are defined as follows: <br /> a. Missing three (3) consecutive meetings; or <br /> b. Missing twenty-five percent (25%) of meetings within any twelve (12) month <br /> period. <br /> 4. The advisory board Chair shall notify a member if the member is at risk of being <br /> removed pursuant to section III(H)(3). <br /> 5. The advisory board Chair or staff support shall notify the Clerk to the Board of Orange <br /> County Commissioners if a member has violated section III(H)(3). <br /> I. Release from Service <br /> 1. When it is deemed necessary by the Orange County Board of Commissioners to <br /> release a member from his or her term of appointment on an advisory board, the <br /> Adopted 2-2112;Dates of Amendment 8-21-12;11-8-12;3-3-15;6-18-19;6-2-20;10-6-20;4-5-22;6-21-22;12-5-22 <br /> 5 <br />