Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Clerical error G.S. 105-381(a)(1)(a) BOCC REPORT - REAL/PERSONAL <br /> Illegal tax G.S. 105-381(a)(1)(b) APRIL 2, 2024 <br /> Appraisal appeal G.S. 105-330.2(b) <br /> ACCOUNT BILLING ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> Central Carolina Bank 116101 2023 24,500 0 (348.47)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Mini bank removed from parcel prior to 2023 <br /> Dyreng,Scott Douglas 3210752 2023 13,600 0 (223.77)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Utah during gap period <br /> Frederick,Kyle T 3206547 2022 5,830 0 (172.25)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in the State of Utah during gap period <br /> Gibson Andrew ACG Design 271244 2023 6,614 0 (119.91)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Business moved to Chatham County in 2021 <br /> Harker,Jennifer Lynne 3207115 2022 13,160 0 (834.28)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Massachusetts during gap period <br /> Lang,Eric Walter 3212397 2023 4,960 0 (256.69)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Utah during gap period <br /> Morris,David Eric 3204006 2022 5,750 0 (743.63)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Missouri during gap period <br /> Nicholson,Clifford William 3203791 2022 23,570 0 (710.17)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Montana during gap period <br /> Ong,Katrina Puentevella 3212807 2024 6,060 0 (372.92)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Texas during gap period <br /> Ortiz,Emilia 3181706 2021 38,300 0 (347.95)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Billed in error doublewide moved to Alamance County in 2021 <br /> Ortiz,Emilia 3181706 2022 38,300 0 (356.57)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Billed in error doublewide moved to Alamance County in 2021 <br /> Ortiz,Emilia 3181706 2023 38,300 0 (358.14)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Billed in error doublewide moved to Alamance County in 2021 <br /> Roberts,Rossana 3207497 2023 3,860 0 (104.12)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Vehicle registered in Virginia during gap period <br /> Vereen,Feenie Leo 3212771 2024 71,100 0 (164.47)Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap Bill:Taxpayer transferred a license plate,no gap exists. <br /> Total (5,113.34) <br /> LL <br /> Gap Bill:A property tax bill that covers the months between the expiration of a vehicle's registration and the renewal of that registration or the issuance of a new registration. <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes. <br /> Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or <br /> refund of all associated interest, penalties,fees,and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> February 17, 2024 thru March 15, 2024 <br />