Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools has scheduled an additional $9 million in FY2024-25 <br /> followed by one additional installment of approximately $9 million in FY2025-26. Orange <br /> County Schools has scheduled $11.1 million in FY2024-25. These authorizations will complete <br /> the total $60 million commitment by the County. <br /> County Assets <br /> The FY2024-34 CIP is continuing to recommend repair and critical maintenance of County <br /> facilities and infrastructure. Many of the County maintenance and repair projects throughout <br /> the ten-year plan were recommended in a Facility Condition Assessment report. As a precursor <br /> to the Long-Range Facility Plan, the County retained a consultant to perform a detailed Facilities <br /> Condition Assessment of each County owned facility. This Assessment identified and prioritized <br /> the replacement of heating and cooling equipment, building fagades and windows, electrical <br /> systems, and roofing and created a ten-year replacement schedule for each category based on <br /> existing conditions, age, and expected useful life. These investments are intended to improve <br /> safety, resiliency, and improve service delivery to residents. <br /> • Behavioral Health Crisis Diversion Facility Site Acquisition -$1.1 million <br /> The Board of Commissioners has prioritized access to behavioral health services as part of the <br /> Countywide Strategic Plan. During FY2022-23, the County worked with an architect and an <br /> operations subject matter expert to conduct preliminary planning and cost estimation for a <br /> Behavioral Health Crisis Diversion Facility. This preliminary planning work culminated in the <br /> conceptual design of an approximately 27,000 square foot facility carrying a total <br /> construction cost of approximately $22.7 million. The FY2023-24 CIP authorized $2.1 million <br /> for design services.The FY2024-25 CIP is recommending funds to acquire a site for the facility <br /> located in Hillsborough for$1.1 million. <br /> The County is currently working with the Town of Hillsborough to annex and rezone the <br /> property. That process is expected to be completed by the end of calendar year 2024. Once <br /> those approvals are finalized, the County would proceed with design services using the <br /> funding already authorized. Given the complexity of the facility, design and bidding will likely <br /> take another six months. Construction funds are anticipated to be authorized and work <br /> commenced in FY2025-26. <br /> • Board of Elections Storage-$296,000 <br /> This project would construct secure storage in the back of the Board of Election office building <br /> to replace the existing temporary storage containers and allow for appropriate temperature- <br /> controlled storage of voting equipment. The project would add secure storage space and a <br /> ramp for loading and unloading voting equipment. The location of this expansion is outside <br /> of the floodplain which will keep the equipment safe from floods. <br /> • Climate Change Mitigation Project- $576,169 <br /> The Climate Change Mitigation Project was established in FY2019-20 to fund initiatives to <br /> combat climate change. The Board of County Commissioners subsequently revised the <br /> allocation to 50% for a county administered competitive grant program and 50% for school- <br /> Page 1 6 <br />