Orange County NC Website
The reasons for supporting Model C -the County DepartmentlDivision - as the next <br />recommendation are summarized below: <br />• Same as Model B <br />• Could incorporate a similar advisory board <br />• Could continue and amplify volunteer efforts <br />• Both Model B and C provide policy direction from the elected Commission and <br />managerial oversight through the County Manager <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The interim contract with APS of Orange County (effective October 1, <br />2003 and February 1, 2004), with costs exclusive to the Animal Shelter, is annualized at <br />$449,441. Shelter revenue, excluding the County contribution, is currently projected by APS at <br />$206,575, Animal Control is currently budgeted at $458,145 with revenues estimated at <br />$111,025 (licensing and miscellaneous fees), Assuming a BOCC decision for the County to <br />pursue operation of the Shelter, under Model B or C, effective July 1, 2004, staff would develop <br />a Manager's recommended budget far the new btareau/department (combining the Animal <br />Sheltering and Animal Control functions) for BOCC approval as part of the upcoming budget <br />process. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the report and <br />recommendations of the Animal Shelter Operations Task Force and provide feedback and <br />guidance to the Task Force and Staff on next steps. <br />This report represents the interim report of the Task Force, The Task Force also seeks any <br />additional feedback or guidance from the BOCC on the next stage of its charge -consideration <br />of the Animal Shelter Facility. An earlier suggested timeline called for a report back to the <br />BOCC by the end of the summer 2004. The University has agreed to allow an extension of the <br />ground lease on the Airport Road property for a period of at least five years following the <br />December 31, 2006 expiration date of the lease with the Town of Chapel Hill, <br />