Orange County NC Website
~i <br />four to six volunteer "Team Leaders". These team leaders are the primary <br />interface with the Victual volunteers working in the shelter at any given time. <br />There is monthly rientation held on the second Saturday and occasionally <br />during the week. ,here is also a volunteer handbook that answers volunteers' <br />questions as they prise, <br />Volunteers water, ~xercise and groom dogs and provide "customer service", <br />which, in this case, means helping potential adopters with the dogs they are <br />interested in by g 'tting the dogs out of their runs and helping to manage the <br />interaction. A few~yeteran volunteers help with administrative tasks such as <br />phoning, filing, typ~ng and photographing dogs. <br />Chatham Countiy Animal Shelter <br />(Chatham County Health Department, Animal Control Division) <br />The only anima( shelter in the county, it is an open door shelter. A program that <br />draws volunteers rom the local humane society, Chatham Animal Rescue and <br />Education (CARE has been in place for awhile, This yields about 20 to 28 <br />service hours per eek, approximately divided between weekdays and <br />Saturdays, perforrped by five to eight regulars. Weekend volunteers often do <br />"deep cleaning". Special events, such as a holiday weekend adopt-a-thon can <br />yield 64 hours of volunteer service. <br />Anew program, called Friends of Chatham Animal Shelter (FOCAS), is being <br />developed. The participants will be independent of CARE and will be coordinated <br />largely by a volunteer who answers to the Animal Control Supervisor. So far <br />there are five sucf~ committed FOC:AS volunteers. One will be assigned to be the <br />adoption ccordina or. Hours are not yet being tracked, <br />Both programs require that volunteer hours be scheduled. <br />Volunteers bathe end exercise dogs, take photos of dogs/cats, assist potential <br />adopters, update eb pages and do filing, as well as some cleaning. <br />They recently lost a vet tech who was giving 20 hours a week doing vaccinations, <br />fecals, tests, wor ings and adoption assistance and "greeting" the public. <br />i <br />