Orange County NC Website
al <br />Yes, it's in the past. Yes, we need to learn from the past, but we need to move <br />forward with this, This has been going on for way to long and I think the animals <br />and the community deserve a much better shelter. Thank you. <br />Thank you, The county will accept contributions and not just at tax time. Are there <br />other people who wish to speak for the first time? Is that a raised hand in the back? <br />Molly McConnell: My name is Molly McConnell and I have lived in Chapel Hill for <br />34 years.. I have either fostered or adopted cats and/or dogs from the shelter since <br />1977. So I remember when the shelter was a one room place on Plant Road. I'm not <br />a shelter volunteer, I'm not a member of the APS. I'm not a staff member, but I do <br />currently have a foster pet from there, a foster dog. I said that you either are going to <br />be part of the solution or part of the problem. I would like to be part of the solution. <br />I agree with this lady thatjust spoke. I think that you need to become very familiar <br />with what's going on, From what I have seen going in there, people aze trying really <br />hard against very trying circumstances economically. As we all know, our economy <br />is bad all over. I also work witlr abused children, and donations are down for <br />everything. The first things that go are animals and children. The space is <br />overcrowded. It is going to become more so as the economy worsens because as <br />people lose their,jobs, they give up their pets. I think that you need to really take into <br />account that volunteers do as much as they can and we need to keep a volunteer base <br />working with animals. I personally would hate to see it totally turned over to the <br />government to a county run thing. I think you would lose like people like me. I <br />think that the people I have , .. I don't lmow the names of people in there now. I <br />know a few of them.. I think where I have seen a problem, I have gone personally to <br />a person and said that this seems to be a problem. People are listening. They are <br />doing the very best they can under very adverse circumstances. The more adversity <br />you place on individuals trying to work in a situation be they an advocate for an <br />animal or child, the more difficult it is for them to serve the population they are <br />serving. I guess that is all I have to say. <br />Thank you., Who else is inspired to speak? <br />New female speaker is not at microphmte . , . inaredible. <br />Let's have these kinds of conversations out in the hallway after the meeting. That's <br />fine. Thank you.. Anyone else who wishes to speak for the first time? <br />Wel] then, we thank you all for coming, Is there anyone on the task force who has <br />anything else they would like to say this evening? <br />I would like to thank everyone for coming out and being polite and courteous. <br />Thank you. <br />I,just wanted to add a couple of comments that I think this might roll into our <br />preparation for the next session. A couple of citizens' comments made me wonder. <br />