Orange County NC Website
20 <br />which we have all volunteered to be here. Is there anyone who would like to <br />comment about any one of these tluee proposals? <br />We'll give you a minute. <br />My daughter, Galen, who is almost 11 and my son, Aden, who is 13 have been <br />volunteering at the shelter and when they knew I was coming up here, they said <br />what's going to happen to us as volunteers.. Are we going to be able to continue? So <br />I will leave that question with you and those are from the kids in the community and <br />their friends as well. <br />Thank you, Okay, going once,. <br />.Jennifer Reed: My name is Jennifer Reed. I am a veterinary technician, I used to <br />work at the shelter, Actually, I started volunteering for the shelter in 1998 and <br />worked there from 2000 - 2001. I think it is really important that the task force as <br />well as critics as well as supporters of the APS become very familiar with operations <br />of the shelter. I think a lot is lost when people claim that they didn't do this or they <br />didn't do that or this happened to my foster dog or this happened to my adopted dog, <br />I don't think that people really understand what happens at the shelter unless you <br />work there or volunteer there for an extended period of time where you get to <br />understand exactly what happens. The vaccine records, I mean, has anyone ever <br />tried vaccinate feral cat.. It's impossible. Has anyone tried to vaccinate a feral dog or <br />a dog who's scared out of their mind? You can't do it and so the claims of'the 24 <br />hour not being vaccinated. There are legitimate reasons for that. I think that there <br />are legitimate reasons for a lot of complaints and a lot of criticisms as well as support <br />for the APS. I think that a lot of people, namely critics, but also supporters don't <br />know what happens in the shelter, I urge every one of you to spend more time at the <br />shelter to find out exactly goes on a daily basis.. Read some books about the shelter. <br />There are plenty of books about people who spend time in shelter operations who <br />have written fantastic books about,just the daily operations and how difficult they <br />can be, How rewarding they can be? So I think it is important as we look to pick a <br />one of these options for running a shelter that you really consider the nature of <br />nonprofit organizations working with private organizations as well as county <br />organizations but also what actually happens in a shelter.. Is the county going to be <br />able to provide all the programs and all of the things that a private organization can <br />offer to the county? Are they going to be able to do that by themselves? Is the <br />county of Orange going to be able to accept that? .Are they going to accept, perhaps, <br />the county run shelter is going to have the programs? They are not going to be able <br />to afford the programs,. They can't take donations so how are they going to fund <br />cruelty investigations, Is that going to be left up to Animal Control on its own? Do <br />they need help with other things? I didn't have a planned speech so I'm somewhat <br />rambling. I think that it is really important to consider everything and to spend more <br />time understanding shelter operations and understanding what happens on a daily <br />basis. Aside from, you know, who runs the shelter to who doesn't run the shelter, <br />who used to run the shelter, who made bad,judgment calls in running the shelter. <br />