Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Gina Burns: Hi, my name is Gina Burns.. I think I spoke with you a few months ago <br />and have been volunteering at the shelter during that time pretty consistently. I <br />wanted to ask if possible, how many of you have actually visited the shelter and <br />spent some time there. Great, that's really good, So you guys are familiar with what <br />the day-to-day operations are. Some days they are filled with animals and some days <br />they are not filled with animals. This is nobody's fault except our citizens. How <br />many animals come in and how many animals don't leave for one reason or another <br />because they are sick, they are injured, they have been abused. Whatever the reason, <br />they are unadoptable because they are vicious.. Those are our citizens that are <br />responsible for that. As all of this comes to fruition and new plans are made, I would <br />love to see something implemented that starts to get back to the community. One, <br />volunteerism is really helping that. The programs that Amy does at the schools goes <br />all the way down to the elementary school level and these kids are actually educating <br />their parents about spaying and neutering, what things are needed at the shelter, what <br />goes on at the shelter, and fostering, It is also important to educate the adults and to <br />make people recognize what happens to their animals when they drop them off and <br />say well I'm leaving town, here's my cat or here's my dog or here are my three cats. <br />I hope that some of that is incorporated into the new program. I also really want to <br />stress the benefits of public/private partnership. There is so much to be gained from <br />that working together.. Nothing is a perfect world and it won't continue to be a <br />perfect world but I think that the cooperation between the two organizations that <br />really need to make this work needs to be between a public and private partnership <br />because the volunteers are critical to working with APS, Thank you, <br />Thank you. Who else would like to share comments with us? <br />Janet Glutz: Hi, my name is .Janet Glutz. I'm a nurse practitioner at iJNC Hospitals <br />and I know quite a bit about disease management. I had a nice little speech here but <br />I'm going to forget for now. Hospitals rely on volunteers too, but they don't rely on <br />them for services.. You need trained practitioners to stop the progression of disease <br />and prevention, You can't use the hospital, the structure as an excuse to spread <br />disease. It won't work. You have to be accountable. You have to not have the <br />fatalistic attitude that I have seen at the shelter that blames everybody else for disease <br />progression.. I had a dog that I got there that was there two whole months and was <br />never vaccinated and was dying of Parvo when I brought him home. I told them, and <br />I expected them to shut down putting out dogs. Instead they had an adopt-a-thon <br />within three days of when I brought my dog out of there. They are not accountable <br />and it upsets me to no end that everybody blames the circumstances. You just have <br />to get trained people in there and then use the volunteers the way they are supposed <br />to be used to give love to the animals. You have got to vaccinate every animal no <br />matter what.. If they are going to be put down the next day, may be they won't be. It <br />costs $4. That's how we can save money. <br />Thank you. <br />