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12 <br />considered and hopefully hired based on there merits,just as we have done on two <br />other separate occasions recently. One was when the county assumed responsibility <br />for the operations of the solid waste enterprise as we assumed responsibility from <br />Chapel Hill and most recently when assumed responsibility for emergency <br />transportation employees from the rescue squads. In both those cases, I think, we <br />have demonstrated that we were able to respond to all those employees who would <br />qualify and wished to be employees of the county. So I would expect that similar <br />process would occur in this situation should that be the option pursued.. <br />Mr. Textoris: Thank you <br />Of course, part of why we are here tonight is to consider the different options as to <br />how we might go forward. I would be remiss if' I didn't thank the members of the <br />task force already and Commissioner Cary for his work in leading the task force. We <br />look forward to many more months of your efforts. Thank you all.. This has been a <br />process in which the community has been very passionately engaged.. We appreciate <br />and respect that very much.. We are glad you that are all here. Does somebody have <br />the sign-up sheet forme? Is there asign-up sheet? Nobody signed up? <br />The sign-up sheet is not for speakers. The speakers will come to the podium as they <br />were going to and say their name. <br />Okay, in that case, if anyone wishes to speak, please raise your hand and I'll <br />recognize you and you can come forward to the podium and have your three minute <br />say. <br />Jennifer Frye: Hello, Thank you My name is Jennifer Frye. I'm actually just <br />reading something that was prepared by a volunteer of APS. As an animal lover and <br />citizen of Chapel Hill, I'm requesting that the shelter continue to be run by APS. <br />The staff there has done an excellent job over the years of caring for the county's <br />homeless animals and placing many in loving homes, There are many there who are <br />expert at their,jobs. If the county or animal control takes over the shelter, you will <br />lose the expertise of these wonderful people, I own three dogs from APS, have <br />fostered two dogs from APS, and have been there many times to donate food and <br />bedding for dogs and rabbits over the years. I have been behind the scenes.. In fact, I <br />have satin dog cages for hours, bonding with future pets of mine. I have seen what <br />really goes on at APS. APS also has many programs in place such as pet therapy, <br />obedience training, fostering animals to keep them socialized while waiting for <br />forever homes and low cost spay/neuter. Their concern for animals and outreach to <br />the community in the areas of animal welfare, education and other programs has <br />been wonderful. All of these would be difficult for the county to continue without <br />APS, Please let APS continue to run the shelter. They're in strict compliance with <br />the HSUS guidelines. Now it is time to get them in a new shelter and let APS make <br />their organization tops in the state. As a healthcare professional, I remind you that <br />infection control is next to impossible in a building with porous, cracked concrete <br />walls, poor ventilation and heating no matter who is running the shelter. L,et's move <br />